Chapter 24: Disturbed

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Third Person's P.O.V

This is one of the nights where Earth is peacefully sleeping beside his P' Kao when he felt a hand touching his manhood. He stirred from his deep slumber and find Kao's lips sucking the skin of his neck.

"P' K-Kao," his hands traveled south reaching Kao's sculpted stomach.

"I want you Earth," his hoarse voice sends fire on Earth's body.

Kao's lips found his, licking his lips making him moan in pleasure. He answered his kisses copying the movements of his lips. Kao bit his lower lip making him open his mouth. The older boy used it as an entrance. Their tongue fought each other fighting for dominance. Kao's hand entered Earth's shirt touching his hardened nipple palying it using his fingers.

"Ugh, P' Kao," Earth's moans turns Kao harder than he ever was. He lapped Earth's lower lip making him moan harder.

"Sweet," Kao smiled seeing Earth's reaction to every kisses he gives him. Pleasure is screaming from his face. The way Earth moans his name makes him hotter that he want to take Earth here and there.

"Baby, let me fuck you please," his voice is pleading but his eyes show lust.

"B-but," Kao didn't let Earth finish his sentence. He reached for the younger boy's lips and savor it. Earth tried to resist even though he's feeling hot.

"No buts Earth. I've waited long enough for this," Kao's kisses went down to his jaw travelling south to his nipples.

"P' Kao n-no," he tried to push Kao away but he is way too strong than Earth.

"What the fuck Earth?" his voice are loud like thunder sending shiver on Earth's spine. "...I' ve given you enough time to move on right? Why can't you give me this?!" his eyes are sharp, his left hand is choking Earth's neck.

"P- p' Kao," the smaller boy is having a hard time to breathe. His eyes starts to water and fear is stirring up from his insides.

"No. No. No. P' Kao can't do this. P' Kao won't hurt me," Earth tried to tell himself thinking that he is in some sort of a dream.

"What's wrong Earth? Why can't I have your body?" Kao's voice sounds frustrated. "I did everything Earth. I fucking killed the man who made you suffer. I saved you from danger. I gave you enough time to heal. Earth! I am a man and I have needs. Now don't act like a fucking virgin and surrender to me," he said those words continuously causing him lack of breathe.

"H-How can you P' Kao," Earth's tears are falling richly from his eyes. He never expected his loving P' Kao to be like this. He never expected him to hurt him with words. Maybe what he thought before was true. No one can ever love a garbage like him. No one can ever truly love a person who was used and abused by someone else. He is a piece of left over trash that no one would bother to look at. Upon reaching that realization, Earth's broken heart becomes broken more than ever. Another wound add up to the wounds of the past.

"Look Earth, let's stop talking and do some things that we will really enjoy," Kao tried to soothe the guy but he can still fell submerging anger from within.

"I w-want to P', but every time y- you touch me...I- I just feel disgusted," he looked away from the older boy when he saw Kao's brows meeting in the middle.

"Damn it Earth," he grabbed the younger boy's arm tightly. "... all I want is you to give in. You were once a bitch why can't you do the same for me?" Kao pulled the younger man's hair backwards and kissed his neck harshly. He pushed the smaller boy down and pinned him to the bed. "You can't get away with me," Kao showed him a smirk that made Earth scarred more.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No." Earth is shaking his head trying to stop his P' Kao from assaulting him, his nightmares become real he was about to scream when someone snapped a finger in front of him pulling him back to reality.

"Earth, baby? Are you okay? Baby?" it is P' Kao and he looks way different than he is earlier.

"Earth? Are you with me?" Kao tried to hold his baby but it flinched.

"No. Don't you dare to come near me P' Kao," he stepped backwards from his P'.

"Earth baby what happened? Before I left you, you were fine but when I came back you're crying and shouting my name," Kao tried to step forward to reach him but again he flinched.

"You. You want to assault me P'. I hate you! I really hate you!," Earth wanted to take back his words when he saw Kao's reaction. Shock crossed his eyes and then sadness follows but it eventually turned into pain.

"Baby can you tell P' what have I done?" he didn't wanted to scare the boy more so he stayed at his place.

"You. You tried t- to abuse me you tried to... you made me... you want to..." Earth can't finish a sentence. He is mumbling words that Kao can't understand.

"I'm sorry baby I won't do it again," he apologized even though he doesn't have any idea about what Earth is talking about. The latter didn't answered and just look at him with scare eyes. It pains him to see his baby crying and it pains more when he is the reason why there are tears in his eyes.

This is not the first time Earth acted like this. It's been a month since Kao has given Seth his punishment. On the other hand it's also been a month since Earth's anxiety get the best of him. He mixes reality from fantasy and sometimes his most fear circumstances happens in his imagination. Most of the time it is Kao hurting him. The doctor has given him medication but it has no effect on Earth.

"P' Kao," his sweet voice pulled Kao back from his reverie.

"Yes baby?" Kao tried to move closer to Earth once more and luckily it didn't move away. Tears are still falling from his pretty eyes making Kao wonder what is going on with Earth's mind. He crosses the distance between them not tearing their eye contact.

"I love you baby," he doesn't know where those three words came from but he knows that he loves this little bunny in front of him. He moved his face closer towards Earth placing his forehead against the younger boy's. He wants Earth to see the sincerity in his eyes. He want Earth to see how much he adores the little guy. He also want to see Earth's very soul. His beautiful orbs though tears stained are still the prettiest he have ever seen. His lips are pink making Kao long for it and lastly his scarred heart that Kao wants to mend and take care of.

"Whole or broken, I will never ever stop loving you baby. I won't force myself to you and I won't hurt you like they did. I never thought that loving can be such a good feeling that even the devil can feel heaven. You are my angel Earth, my scarred angel. And I won't ever let anyone hurt you more. " Kao said those words while intently looking at Earth's eyes. He can see the latter's cheeks blushing making him smile.

"Damn it my angel, why do you have to look so good," he smiled once more before landing his lips on Earth's forehead. 


OMG please don't hate me for hurting our precious Earth once again. And also please don't hate Earth for being like that he had been through a lot being okay instantly is not that easy. 

BTW. How is this chapter? I just want to say I felt satisfied on this one and I don't know why HAHAHAHA.


I'll be posting BounPrem after finishing this story and YinWar after posting 5 chapters of BounPrem's story. I hope you'll support those too. ^.^


Sorry for grammatical errors. Lovelots

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