Chapter 16: Saved

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Third Person's P.O.V

Kao's heart started to beat erratically as soon as Earth lost his consciousness. He immediately took a the laser his friend has given him and destroy the cage. He tried to peek outside the cover and saw that Earths cage is the next one so he moved silently and quick.

The laser was from one of his friends who is working on the underground society. Yes he has an access, building a multimillion company and becoming rich is not an easy and safe job so he needs a support. He has military underground workers that deals, steals and kills for him. They were the one who found where his Earth was.

As soon as he finished doing a hole in the cage he immediately scoot Earths weak and frail body, kissing his temples. You are safe now baby, Ill kill them all for doing this to you, his eyes are dangerous. Rage is engulfing his whole system. His muscles are shaking not because of fear but because of anger.

He was about to carry Earth when a girl removed the cover of Earths cage. Everyone gasped upon seeing the multimillionaire bachelor helping a person who is supposed to be a peasant or a whore.

Kao's face didn't falter, he stood high and confident. He looked at everyone with authority which made the people in the hall bow their heads. He scoot his little boy up and passed it to someone ordering that person to take care of him.

"Who the fuck did this to him?!" his eyes are blazing with anger. He shot dagger looks to the men who's looking at Earth's body following the trail of the person who's carrying him. "Who the fuck kidnapped and did that to him?!" no one answered him. No one even dared to look at his eyes.

A dangerous smirk formed in his lips, as soon as Kao snapped his fingers, his people started twisting everyone's neck. Some scream in horror, others just froze in their places. Kao step forward to the announcer who is just watching the scene. "Who the fuck is the one behind this auction," he aimed the gun he's holding in the man's temple. Instead of shaking in fear, the man started laughing dangerously. He laughed hard, he then faced Kao and aimed the gun on his forehead.

He thought Kao wouldnt budge to pull the trigger but he was wrong. Without hesitation Kao pulled the trigger killing the person in front him. He wont let anyone hurt his Earth once more. He suffered enough. He doesnt want Earth to go through the same thing as he did years ago.

Kao look around to see if there anyone whos left breathing in the hall aside from his underlings but there was none. He signaled his boys to leave after setting the whole place on fire. He didnt notice one person who is watching everything that happened below. If Kao didnt got Earth first, Seth must have take him. The man above grinned planning of ways on how he will get his Heart once again.


Kao paved his way through the hall of the hospital finding Earths friend. He called Fluke telling him that he found his bestfriend and was about to be sent in the said building. Fluke was hysterical on the phone. He is crying uncontrollably that even his boyfriend cant soothe him. He kept on saying how bad friend he was. He calmed down, only after reassuring Fluke that his bestfriend will be fine but he needs him to be there for him.

Kao saw Fluke sitting beside Earths bed. His eyes are swollen and puffy due from crying too hard.

P Kao, w- what happened to him? his tears are falling from his eyes once again. He kept sobbing while looking at his bestfriend who is still unconscious.

I dont know Fluke. All I know is that they hurt him and tried to sell him, Kaos hand formed in fist trying to calm himself.

Fluke cried once more looking at his bestfriend. Ohm entered the room and pulled Fluke into a tight hug telling him comforting words, making him stop crying.

"P' Kao, we'll be out first, please don't leave Earth," Fluke looked at his eyes pleading for him to take care of his bestfriend.

When the two was out of the room, Kao walk towards Earth's bed and shed the tears he was preventing to fall ever since he saw the boy. He cried silently holding Earth's hand feeling the warmth of the little boy. He never felt so devastated in his life. He never felt so much fear thinking that might lose someone he love.

He immediately wipe his tears when he felt Earth move his fingers.

"Earth! Earth!" he pressed the red button above Earth's head to call the doctor.

"P-P' Kao, w-water," Earth reached Kao's hand.

Kao reached the water on the bedside table dipping the cotton and pressing it on Earth's lips. After some time the doctor came together with two nurses examining Earth.

"His ribs were broken due to the physical assault that he experienced. Some of his bruises will heal immediately but his cuts and wounds would heal longer. Please take good care of him," the doctor added then look at Earth who's now sitting listening intently to the doctor's instruction.

"Be good and get well soon fast," the doctor put his hands above Earth's head and tried to mess his hair but Kao removed his hand fast.

"No one's allowed to hold him unless you're going to tend his wounds and bruises," Kao let out a low growl looking dangerously at the doctor who's now trembling with fear.

He wrapped his arms around Earth possessively making sure he doesn't put too much force in it. The doctor and his nurses left after leaving some instructions.

"Earth want happened?" Kao sit beside Earth's bed pulling the little boy in a tight hug never wanting him to go. He immediately felt the little boy's body trembling, tears started to fall on his pretty eyes, lips bleeding from too much biting and hands shaking in fear.

"P' Kao, t- they... I'm not... " his fear is consuming his whole being that he can't tell his P' Kao what really happened to him.

Kao tried to soothe the little boy by hugging him tighter, kissing his temples and whispering sweet nothings on his ear. Once Earth is calm he elaborate what happened to Kao. His fist clenched in anger that is filling up his system but he doesn't show it to his lovely little boy. The little boy he love not knowing how.

Yes he do love Earth. He do love the boy so much it hurts.

"P' Kao, Prem! Where is Prem?" the silence was filled with Earth's voice as soon as he remembered his friend.


Okay. Hi/ Hello. I don't know what can you say about this chapter but hope you'll like it. So what do you think? Where is Prem?

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