Chapter 9: Title

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Earth first changed his clothes then go straight to the office. He smiled to the guard as he enter the building, he also smiled to everyone that he is seeing. He doesnt know why he is smiling. All he knows is that when he do this, he is hiding something.

He fixed his things as soon as he reached his table at Kao's office. To his surprise his boss is not sitting on his usual spot. He looked around to find his boss but he cant find him. Where the hell is he? He asked himself, he picked his phone to check if he received a message or missed call from his boss but he can only find nothing.

"Well maybe I can do other things that he assigned," he said to himself and focused on his works.

Someone knocked on the door making Earth loose his focus. He looked at the clock and it states that it is already 8 in the evening.

"Sir, the boss ordered me to tell you, that you should go home exactly at 8. You should go home now or else Ill lose my job," Earth's eyes widened in shock. Why would he threaten the guard and him like that? Why did he bother the guard if he can call him? Those words lingered in Earths mind as he fix his things and leave the office.

On his way home, a black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of him. He know this car, he used to ride in it so much in the past. He didnt bother to look at the driver of the car who went out of it, he just ignored it and walk past to the car.

He is making his steps big as he walks fast but his short legs are making it hard for him especially that the person chasing him have long ones.

"Earth!" Title finally reached him and held his hand. He snatched it back as he look at Titles face, confusion is flooding all over his system.

"What the hell do you want P'?" Earth asked making sure to mix some irritation in his voice to make Title realize that he doesnt want to talk to him.

Come with me first will you?" Title said in soft voice trying his best not to hold Earth.

"No P'. Its late I have to go home and rest," Earth said in finality as he turn his back on his ex. He can't let Title see right through him, he is craving to be engulf in Titles hug once again. He is longing for the warmth that Title gave him. He is missing the sweet nothings Title used to whisper in his ears and he is missing those soft lips that makes his brain go wry every time it touches his.

Earth is being drowned in memories he and Title had when a strong arms embraced him from behind. He knows who is it. He knows him by heart. The person who gives harm, the person who accepted him, the person who fixed and break his heart. His P Title is hugging him tightly never wanting to let him go.

Tears starts to fall from Earths eyes. It is still painful for him to remember the last memory he had with Title but the warmth he is giving him makes Earth long for me. He missed this guy so much.

"Will you please come with me baby?" Title whispered softly in Earths ear making him whimper. He nod as a reply and let the taller guy to guide him inside the car.

They drove to the nearest restaurant and decided that theyll start to talk after eating. They made their way inside and the waiter guide them in a table for two. Title smiled at the waiter as he pull a chair for Earth. The shorter man was oblige sit and smile to his P. They ate their food in silence while stealing glances once in a while. Title couldnt help himself to smile every time he sees Earth looking at him and blushing when he knew he was caught.

After eating the two decided walk on a nearby park that is located on the west side of the restaurant. The park is breathtaking, the colors that illuminates it makes Earths eyes twinkle a scene Title didnt see for these past few weeks.

An urge to hug Earth is tugging Title and he didnt fight that urge. He hugged Earth tightly feeling the warmth only Earth can give.

"P', someone might see us," Earth hid his face on Titles chest as he is embarrass showing his now flustered cheeks.

"I missed you baby," a soft smile is drawn in Earths lips as he felt Title kissing his temple. Titles kissed traveled from his temple, down to his earlobes. He let out a soft moan as Title nibbles it sending shivers to his spine. He is flustered by what they are doing and where they are but Titles kisses makes him forget about his surroundings. Luckily no one is passing their way or else he would be totally hide himself. Title's kisses traveled downward once more on his neck. He lapped and suck and bite a certain spot on his neck that Title once said his place to put his mark. He licks Earth jaws then started to kiss his lips. Earth closed his eyes savoring the moment when suddenly Title making out with a girl flash back on his mind like flood drowning every hot feelings he has and freezing his heart once again.

A tear escaped his eyes as he push Title away. He wiped his lips with his hands feeling disgusted and hurt at the same time. The pain tear him up from the inside. It feels like his heart is breaking into pieces once again.

He is thinking how fool he is letting that guy to kiss his lips and let some marks on him. How the hell did he end up letting that guy touch him. How stupid can he be to make himself believe that he can forget what he saw just because Title came running after him.

He is nothing, he thinks for himself. Title is just running after him because he is guilty, once I cant satisfy him, he will surely look for a girl once again. The pain is eating him up making him lose his strength. He called a taxi and ride on it still crying and feeling lost.

He paid his fare and leave the taxi as fast as he could, he wants to go inside his room and do things to stop the pain he is feeling when a matte red Mercedes Benz caught his eye. It is parked in front of his place. He doesnt know to whom it belongs to but got wide eyed when he saw his boss getting out of the car with a dark expression.


So what do you think guys? Should Earth give Title another chance?

The photo above is Title BTW, handsome isn't he?

Once again sorry for the grammar. Lovelots

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