Chapter 14: Captured

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Earths P.O.V

I groggily opened my eyes only to be greeted by darkness. My head is spinning and throbbing. I can feel the pain in my wrist as I tried to move my hand. They tied my hands at the back of the chair I am sitting in. My feet are cuffed and I cant see anything because I am blind folded.

I tried to enhance my senses trying to feel if someone is with me but I am alone in this room. My heart is constricting, my lungs isn't supplying enough oxygen for me to breath. I am losing my consciousness when I remembered Prem. I took all the energy thats left in me and scream as loud as I can.

"Prem!" I tried many times but no one answered.

After few minutes of trying, I felt my lungs being dry and heard some footsteps at the door. I remained silent pretending to be asleep when the door flung open. I can see shadows lurking in the room maybe 3- 4. I didnt move or flinch when one of them touched my chin to raise my face up.

"Stop pretending bitch. We know that you're awake," a deep husky voice filled my ear and my cheek stung from the slap he gave as he tear the blindfold away from my eyes. He looks young maybe in the mid- 20's. Hes also handsome. His eyes are black that lacks emotions, his nose is narrow and his chiseled jaw that can make any girl fall to their knees in front of him. I also examined his body, he is well- built, well everyone in here is well- built. He has tattoos on his neck, forearm and I guess everyone where. He is wearing a leather jacket above of a white shirt and a tattered jeans. Three words to describe him. HE. IS. HOT.

After realizing what I am doing, I mentally slap myself and scold it. "Damn Earth stop checking him out and try to plan an escape," I said to myself as I look around. No windows, the only door in here is the one they entered on, there are also no anything that I can use to protect myself aside from some old PVC pipe which I dont know if it can damage much.

"Do you understand?" he said looking at me. Wait! What? What did he say? I wasnt listening at him damn!

"C- can you please say it one more time?" I bit my lower lip feeling shy and scared at the same time. The guy in front of me looked at what I did and his eyes darkened with I dont know what emotion.

"I said we will gonna dress you up properly , give you foods and untie you but not until we are satisfied," he then smirked and look at my lips once again. Oh my please save me. Tears starts to prickle in my eyes. As much as I want to look strong memories from the past starts to haunt me making it hard for me to breath.

I look at me capturer intently trying to beg for a little mercy from him but he didn't falter, his emotion didnt even change. I still tried with tears falling down my face, I looked at him again, begging to spare me from what they want, begging to free me, begging not to hurt me. I am practically begging for him to have mercy on me without saying anything.

"Lucas, James, Ben, go out. Ill call you when its your turn," he said smirking, looking down on me. I started to tremble with fear. My body is shaking uncontrollably. My head is spinning and my past is consuming me. I tried to suppress any memory that are surpassing in my brain but it gets the best out of me.

Ben, Lucas and James gave me a hard kick in my stomach before they left laughing their asses out. The man whos left is still looking at me but now with emotion on his eyes.

"Does it hurt?" he asked holding my shoulders to support me so I won't stumble down. I looked at him once more, his eyes are somewhat showing that he cares.

I nod at him as an answer. He helped me sit properly then untied my arms as well as my feet.

"Eat I know thats not enough but I'll bring you more next time," he handed me a chocolate bar then sit on the floor. I hesitantly accepted his offer and smiled at him. He only looked at me while I am eating. He looks at me intently and I cant bring myself to look at him at the same intensity.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I continued eating his chocolate until the last bite.

"Well you remind me of someone," he smiled sadly as if I provoked a sad memory.

"Do you mind if I ask you what's your name?" I licked the remaining chocolate in my hand until I noticed the way he look at me.

"Seths the name," his eyes are still burning with desire? I don't know. His eyes are creeping me out!

"Thank you Seth," I tried to pull a smile but I know I look constipated.

"No worries Heart," my eyes widen when he started to walk towards me. His smile is creeping me out. There are different emotions in his eyes that I can't name.

"W-wait. My name is Earth and not Heart," I tried to stand and ran away from him but he is fast pinning me to the wall.

"You're my Heart, I know you're my Heart. Stop pretending to be someone else," he caressed my face softly.

"I am not Heart, Seth let me go!" I tried to free myself from his tight grip but he held me to the wall tighter.

"No! You are not running away from me again," he cupped my face and forced me to look at him. "...Why left me behind three years ago and now you're running away again?" his crying! Tears are falling from his eyes one after another. His rest his head on my shoulder and sob uncontrollably.

"B-but I am not Heart, Seth I am Earth," I tried to comfort him but what he did next shocked the hell out of me.

He threw me across the room, on the floor then kicked me hard on my stomach. He did it again and again until I cough blood. After that he pulled me up and kissed me hard. I can taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I tried to push him but he's too strong.

"You are Heart, understood?" he flashed a devilish grin then kicked me once again. I can feel my rib being broken. Tears once again fell from my eyes. "I own you!" he kicked me again."... How dare you ran away from me," he keeps on saying things while kicking me all over my body aside from my face.

He continued assaulting me adding bruises and cuts in my body.

After satisfying himself from hurting me. He held me up on his arms, tears falling from his eyes as he look at me.

"I am sorry baby. I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," he said cuddling me whispering sweet nothings in my ears.

I am quickly losing consciousness from all the pain and exhaustion. I can feel every part of my body aching from every hit I got from this guy who's hugging me tight never wanting me to let go.

"I love you Heart. I so love you," those were his words before dreamland pulls me.


Sorry guys, this story was supposed to be light, with light conflicts and a happy ending but my twisted mind doesn't let me. So? How is it?

More dramas and actions? In the next chapter.

Who's excited to know Earth's past or who Heart is?

Thank you for your support people and as always sorry for grammatical errors. Lovelots :*


Prem is the one in the photo above. Till next chapter. Bye bye

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