Chapter 7: School 1

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Third Persons P.O.V

Time pass by so fast that Earth is now working at Kaos company for a month. He is still not saying anything about posing in their magazines and Earth is too shy to ask for it. Days go by just fine except that day by day Kao is getting more and more closer to Earth. And by close it doesnt mean their relationship but physically. Kao has a habit on leaning over to Earth, especially when no one is around. He also likes to be possessive.

Since Earth has a face of a girl and a body no one can resist, Kao is always putting up a predator aura every time they are in meetings, seminars and other gatherings. Its odd but he doesnt want anyone to put their hands around Earth or be near to Earth like he always does.

Today is a special day for Earth. It is the day were he would go to school and study. School is one of Earths favorite place. Why? Simply because it gives him an escape. School has been his haven since that day. The day he doesnt want to remember.

*At school*

"Earthieee~" Fluke said in a singsong tone as he run towards his very best friend. "Oh, do you know how much I miss you ha?" the boy pinched his best friends cheeks as hard as he could then let out a throaty laugh.

"Ai Hia Fluke! Let my cheeks go!" Earth replied to his bestfriend then slap Flukes hand.

"Aww! That hurts!" Fluke retorted then pout his lips"You started it first, you pinched my cheeks too hard!" Earth started massaging his now red cheeks.

"Coohearrttt~ Flukiieee~" those nicknames made their heads turn. It is Pineare and Sammy their other bestfriends. They were about to reach out to the two boys cheeks when Earth took a step back.

"Not my cheeks. Im telling you not my cheeks," Earth then glared at them to make him look scary, but the two girls only chuckled then ruffled their hair.

"Stop!" they shouted in unison as they try to stop these two crazy girls in messing their hair.

"Hey whats the fuss about?" luckily their saviour came. Fluke instantly run to his boyfriend and hide himself behind Ohm.

"Hi P Ohm," Sammy instantly bowed followed by Pineare.

"What are you guys still doing here?" Boun asked them then put his arms around Earths shoulders.

"Well you know, we re waiting for everyone before going to our first class. Today is our first day so we must see everyone enter their first class and leave the school later as their class ends. Thats like our tradition." Sammy was the one who explained it to Boun.

"Lets go?" Ohm asked Fluke then wrapped his arm around his waist.

"Ehem, singles at the corner," Pineare teased them as she pull Sammy and Earth on her side. Everyone laugh at her antics aside from Fluke who is turning red at the moment.

"Let us all separate our ways before we become late to our first class," Earth said then they all bid their goodbyes to each other.

Sammy and Pineare went to the southern part of the school where their department is located. They are both studying Economics major in finance. Ohm and Fluke went to the northern part of the school where Flukes college is located. Fluke is studying media arts major in Photography and Directing, while Ohm is studying Business Management. Boun and Earth also walked in separate ways. Earth went straight to the architectural college, on the other hand Boun went to Engineering department.

Everyone looked at Earth as he entered the class. He just smiled and went to the unoccupied chair. It is located near the window, the sun is shining directly at his direction. The light from the sun rays are hurting his eyes yet he cant do anything about it. Every chair in this room is already occupied and it feels like everyone is close to their seat meats so it is impossible for him to ask them for exchange.

"You want to change seats?" the person beside him asked. He turned his head to his side only to find his ex sitting beside him.

"Earth/ P' Title," they called each other's name simultaneously. Shock is written all over their faces as they look at each other. Longing is evident in Title's eye, but pain and anger is what you can see in Earth's.

"I didn't know that we will have the same class together," Title smiled trying to make the mood lighter.

"I didn't know also P'" the shorter boy smiled then turned his head around. He doesn't want to talk to him right now. Maybe a month has pass but still the pain in his chest is not completely healed.

"How are you?" Title asked once again tilting his head closer to Earth. The little guy's eyes widened, they looked at each other for God knows how long but a loud noise interrupted them.

"This is a classroom and not a motel," a cold voice rang in the four sides of room. That caught everyone's attention. all of the students look at the front where their new teacher is standing.

"Hello class I am Sir Kao your new teacher in Architecture 3 (sorry I don't have any idea about subject forgive me na~)" everyone gasped seeing their new professor. His jaws are sharp, his chocolate colored eyes are too cold that it gives everyone a chill. His lips are red that anyone can be crazy once they tasted it. Lastly is his body, Oh his body! His chest is buffed and based on his fitted polo, he is hiding some abs. A total package you must say,

Everyone is now looking at Kao, girls and gays are staring at him wanting him to be theirs, guys are staring at him being jealous at his figure. On the other hand, Earth is looking at his boss with eyes wide open and mouth left hanging. Kao is staring at his secretary and the boy beside him. He is emitting black aura. He didn't like what he saw when he entered the room. Maybe he can fail the other boy in his class so that he will not attend here anymore. He mentally slapped himself knowing that he can't do what he just thought of.


Their class started with introducing themselves one by one. Some students, especially girls obviously tried to impress their handsome professor. In Earth's shock, Kao is giving those people a warm smile that could melt everyone's heart. He is rolling his eyes in every girls that are squealing every time Kao smiles at them. Earth didn't pay attention to the others that is why he didn't know when it was his turn.

"Hey baby it's your turn," Title poked Earth's cheeks as he uses his sweet voice calling the little one.

Earth was stunned for a moment and he looked at Title when someone blocked his view.

"Are you going to stand and introduce yourself or I'm gonna do it for you," there is Kao's dangerous voice once again that makes Earth stand fast.

"Hello everyone, I am Earth Katsamonat Namwirote. You can call me Earth, my close friends call me Earthie or Cooheart. I am 23 years old and a single," he didn't know why he said the last word. All he knows is that Kao is standing beside him, staring at him and once again emitting some dark aura.

"If I saw you near him once again, I'll do everything to fail you in this subject," Kao whispered on Earth's ears then looked at everyone with a smile plastered in his face.

What the hell? Earth shouted in his mind but he is too stunned to say it out loud.


Hiiii. Thank you for reading my story.

Sorry for the wrong grammars.

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