Chapter 6: Start

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Third Persons P.O.V

Earth woke up early to prepare a hangover soup for Boun. He stayed at Bouns pad last night to take care of him. He prepared everything and put it in the table before going to Bouns room to wake him up.

"Boun wake up you sleepy head," the little man said as he pulled the blanket off the man whos lying on his bed in fetal position.

"Earth 5 more minutes," Boun tried to pull his blanket back. The light that illuminates his room is hurting his eyes.

"No! Stand your ass up Boun! Ill be late for my work," Earth said then launched himself in the bed and started tickling Boun.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" the taller man said in between laughs then entangled Earth in to a tight hug. Im thankful I have you Earth, Earth is stun hearing those words from Boun but he is more stun because of the hug.

"C- clean yourself up then go to the dining room," the little guy said as he untangle the embrace then went out of the room.

Boun smiled sadly as he watch Earth getting out of the room. Yes he is in love with Prem but no amount of love can equalize the love he had for the young man that cant be his.


After a few minutes Boun emerged in the dining room with his hair still damp with water. The shorter guy immediately stood and get the towel from Bouns shoulder to wipe his hair.

"Never drink more than you can again Boun, Im warning you," he said the pushed Boun to his seat.

"Yes, P'" Boun smirked seeing how Earths little cute face crumbled with a frown.

"Eat. Ill be late for my work," Earth said as he scoop some soup for Boun.

Everythings going smoothly, the two are eating peacefully when Earths phone suddenly made a loud noise. The shorter guy immediately stand from his seat as he tell Boun to continue eating.

"Hello, whos this?" it is a number that is not registered in Earths phone.

"I need you here at 8 o clock do you hear me?" it is the voice of his demon boss.

"Khrab khun," he answered then let out a sigh. Earth look at the wall clock hanging in the middle of the room. It clearly says 7:00. Luckily Earth have already taken a bath and finished eating. He then prepared himself. He put some make- up on and lip balm. He wore a white long sleeves tutle neck sweater with a pair of white nike and white jeans.

Kao doesnt give him any dress code so he think he can dress up as he want. For the final touches he wore his eyeglasses and choker that matches his style.

"You look like youre going to a fashion show rather than going to an office little Earth," Boun stood from his seat and stand few inches away from Earth.

"Do I look good," Earth smiled then turned around for Boun to see his whole outfit.

"You always look good," Boun had a warm smile on his lips then messed the smaller boys hair.

"Aish Boun! I took me some time to fix my hair," the boy pouted and earned a heartily laugh from the taller one.

"Go before I make you mine" the taller boy whispered the last words.

"Will you be okay?" Earth asked as he fix his hair one more time.

"Yes P. I can handle," he once again chuckled to prevent himself being trance to the little boys adorableness.

"Bye Boun. Wish me luck," Earth then winked and leave.

As the door closes behind Earth, Boun started to mess his hair and pull it.

"Damn it Boun! Last night youre just crying over Prem and now youre starting to flirt with that short guy once again! When will you stop yourself from loving him?" Boun then drink some cold water to calm down his senses and then messed his hair from frustration once again.

*At the office*

"Good morning P'" Earth bowed as he entered Kaos office.

"Good you came exactly 8. Now give me a coffee my head is killing me," the latter ordered without looking at Earth.

The day went well, they are busy yet for a first timer, Earth is doing well with his job. At exactly 12 o clock he ordered a Japanese dish for his boss. As soon as the food was delivered Kao started devouring his foods, he was about to ask Earth to share with him when he saw Earth eating from his bento box. He stands and went to Earths table and leaned on it.

"What is that? May I try it?" Earth heard Kaos manly voice so he looked up only to find that their face are few inches apart.

"P Kao," his closeness make Earth breathless. "Its just stir fry pork you can take some if you want," the little guy is blushing so hard. His cheeks are red and so as his ears.

Kao took a handful of Earths food and find it more delicious than what he have. "Can I trade my food with yours?" Kao didnt wait for Earths answer he just swapped their foods then started digging up Earths food.

Earth was stunned and he wasnt able to move. Kao have to snap his fingers in front of him to wake Earth up.

After the shocking lunch, the two continued their jobs. Kao once again faced his computer, typing, reading and doing things only he knows what. On the other hand, Earth once again study all the things he must learn as Kaos assistant and fix his boss schedule.

They worked hard until they are both burned out. They didnt even notice the time until a guard knocked on their room to check if anybody is still inside.

"Good evening Sir, I thought you went home so I am checking if your room is locked. Sorry for disturbing you," the guard said then bowed.

"No, no, no, we are also leaving. Lets go Earth, finish what you are doing tomorrow," Kao said as he pulled Earth up. "Ill bring you home," Kao said never letting go of the shorter guys hand.

"No need P Kao I can manage," Earth flashed a small smile then remove Kaos hand in his.

"Ill let you go tonight but in exchange bring me some bento for lunch tomorrow," Kao let Earths hand go, his face is darkened but still he manage to say those words.

"You sure P'? Those arent fancy foods. Those are just homemade" Earth said trying to change his boss mind but Kao didnt falter he looked at Earths eyes then said that its okay.


Sorry for a boring chapter.

So? What can you say about Boun? About P' Kao? About Earth?

Any comments? Suggestions? Clarifications?

Thank you for reading~

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