TEOYAM | 04. Science & Faith

Start from the beginning

"Who said I'm out of the bed?" I jumped on one of the other beds in the clinic before he could catch me in his arms. He had a playful smile on his face when he shook his head and followed my lead. I squealed as I jumped on another bed. I was so getting myself in trouble when the nurse comes back.

When I jumped off the bed once more, I landed my feet on the ground, only to realize that I was getting dizzy. Before I could even sit down, I already slipped a second later. I closed my eyes as I waited for my body to collide with the floor, but my body collided with something else.

Or in this case, someone.

I didn't have to see to know who it was. It was only then that it dawned to me just how much I knew Harry. He had that distinct smell, and it wasn't bad at all, it was the opposite. The way he smelled was comforting too, like coming back home to your hometown or remembering a good childhood memory you didn't think was still in the back of your head.

I wasn't exactly the kind of girl who feared things. I don't even fear death. But that moment-- that moment when our bodies collided-- I got scared. I got scared to open my eyes and see his face. I was scared to see that smile and those dimples. But mostly, I got scared to see his eyes looking right into mine, doing what it does best, speaking to me in another language that I was pretty sure only we understood.

But of course, I can't remain there, lying on top of him the entire time so eventually I had to open my eyes. And as expected, he was looking right into my eyes. I couldn't move a muscle. It didn't help that his cheeks were flushed too.

"Just sit down, will you?" Harry scoffed while he helped me get up and lay back on the bed assigned to me inside the clinic. He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked away from the bed, his back was turned against me.

"Thank you, Haz."

"For what?" He stopped in his tracks and faced me.

"For taking care of me," I pursed my lips and avoided his glance. "You're on scholarship and yet you missed class just to accompany me here."

A huge smile crept on his face as he spoke, "Eh, it's the least I could do for helping me out with my American accent. Plus, that's what partners are for right?"

"I suppose," I shrugged, returning the smile. My eyes widened upon realizing something I almost forgot. "It's your birthday tomorrow! It's your 18th birthday tomorrow, Haz! Oh my gosh. What are we going to do? I can throw you a party! Oh my gosh. It's going to be amazing! I got you covered, curly tops. You don't have to worry about anything. DJ, location, food, drinks," I winked at him, "I got you covered. This is so exciting!" I squealed, sitting up from the bed.

Harry ran to my side with a worried look on his face and forced me to lie down. "Geez, Ronnie. Just stay put!"

I rolled my eyes at him, "you're changing the subject, Mister."

"Your parties are fun, don't get me wrong. But I don't think we can make this happen. I don't exactly plan on spending my first night as an 18 year old behind bars for underage drinking." He chuckled.

"Okay, okay. So maybe I do have a reputation for throwing parties that you wouldn't expect a 17 year old girl could and would organize but hey, at least they are fun." I defended myself, crossing my arms. "What did you think are the perks of living in a humongous house in Long Island that is like two blocks away from your neighbor? We never worry about noise in the neighborhood because neighbors are too far away or they're always on a business trip. What does that mean? No police."

"Yeah, okay but--"

"No buts, curly tops." I poked him on the nose. "It's your 18th birthday, for crying out loud."

"I have work." He mumbled.

"Is that your lame attempt at getting rid of me? If it is, then it's not working."

"No, I really have work tomorrow."

"Can't you call for a day off?" I begged him.

He sat next to me and gave me a small smile. "Maybe next time, Ronnie. Thanks for trying though."

"Fine." I pouted.

Of course it wasn't fine with me. I wasn't going to let his 18th birthday be spent at the pizzeria no matter how awesome it is to work around pizza. The next day, I called up Harry to ask if he's sure that he really can't hang out.

"Sorry, Ronnie. I'll be sure to give you an extra slice of pizza the next time you visit Carlo's Pizza."

"Okay then. I'll see you when I see you. Cheerio, as the Brits would say!" I said.

"You sound mad." He sighed, sounding a bit hesitant to hang up the phone on me.

"Harry, if I was mad, you'd know." I laughed. He'd so know alright. On top of a reputation for partying harder than everyone, I also have a reputation for getting into fights and not having much of a filter. Honesty is the only policy to me. "Go back to work, curly tops. Wouldn't want to hold you back from your responsibilities."


"Bye, curly tops!" I laughed as I hung up the phone.

Now, to get my plans running.

"Hello, is this Carlo's Pizza?"


Hello, loves! Finally updated this little thing. I will update again some time during the week, most likely before Friday because I don't want to make you wait too long for the next chapters because this is it guys-- the start of the fun stuff. Hahaha.

You know the drill. Keep those comments coming, vote, and share! If you haven't added this to your library, do it now. Don't forget to tweet us your thoughts @1DMetro and use the hashtag #1DMUTSS.

Much love :-*

The End Of You And Me | BOOK 1 (Completed) & 2 (Currently Writing)Where stories live. Discover now