It's Dancing Time

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Tom's POV"I have never been more in love with a woman ever

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Tom's POV
"I have never been more in love with a woman ever." I felt tears fill my eyes as I spoke to the crowd of people in front of me.

"She is selfless, smart, kind, funny and the most beautiful woman in my eyes." I said. I felt a tear run down my face.

"I love her with all my heart and I'm so happy that I can now call her my wife." I smiled. I looked down at the woman next to me.

"I love you. Here's to the rest of our lives." I said and raised my champagne glass. Everyone in the crowd lifted their glasses and drank.

"My turn now." She spoke as she stood up from her chair, the tulle of her ivory dress pushing it out a little further.

"I hated this man when I met him." She said bluntly. The crowd laughed.

"He was late, unmannerly and a bit of a dickhead." She smiled and I shook my head.
"But then as I got to know him...he's caring, kind, hilarious and so very sexy." She smirked and I raised an eyebrow and we all laughed.

"When we were on our mission together, we broke every rule possible - Sorry Mr Stone." She apologised to Mr Stone who was sitting at a table relatively close to us.

"But I wouldn't have had it any other way. On that mission, our undercover last name was Holland. We were Mr and Mrs Holland. But now," She looked down at me and cupped my jaw.

"We're actually Mr and Mrs Holland and I'm so happy I get to call myself that again after 3 years." She smiled and everyone chuckled.

"Here is to falling in love and breaking the rules." She said as she raised her glass. We all copied and drank and she sat down.


"Oh," She picked the microphone up again.

Jo's POV
"And's dancing time." I said.
That was the code word. We quickly stood up, along with Clara, Liv and Mr Stone, pointing our guns at the waiter who was going around with glasses of champagne.

"Shit." He quickly said and dropped the tray of glasses and they splattered all over the dance floor.

Tom held my hand as he jumped over the head table and helped me over. Liv and Clara jumped over it as they were next to me then Mr Stone joined at Tom's side. We all ran through the glamorous hall we had rented and then we ran down the hallway, following the mafia agent. We ran down the endless staircase until we got to the end where he had managed to escape out a back window. We all climbed through it and it lead to a huge car park that was filled with fancy and fast cars. We suddenly saw the man zoom off in a green lambo which wasn't a great choice.

"Oh so he's a dumb mafia agent, alright." Tom said. We split up and Tom and I tried to find a car with the keys in it.

"A RED MASERATI HOLY SHIT!" Tom exclaimed excitedly as he pointed it out.

"Let's go!" I said. We ran towards it and got in the seats, my dress just fitting in.

"Wait what?" Tom realised the driver's seat was on the right side in this car so he couldn't drive.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" He shouted. I smiled as I turned the car on, revved the engine and sped off.

"SORRY NOT SORRY!" I squealed as we turned a sharp corner.

"Holy shit, Jo!" He shouted as he clutched onto the door handle and the dashboard. I whooped and screamed with adrenaline and glee as we sped after the guy.

"There he is!" Tom pointed to the easily spotted green lambo 4 cars ahead of us.

"HOLD ON!" I shouted and I pressed the accelerator all the way down and I weaved in between the cars. We were now behind the lambo and we were soaring through the streets of Santorini.

The lambo sped up and drove down a smaller side road unexpectedly. I quickly swerved off to the right and we were back to just us and the lambo. Cruising fastly and swiftly down the small road and back out onto the main road, the smell of gasoline filled our noses and the noise of our engine's roaring nearly burst our eardrums. We tailed him all the way down to the end of the main road which stopped right at the pier on the picturesque beach.
He quickly braked and skidded along until he stopped, leaving black tire marks all over the ground. I quickly braked and then Tom and I got out the car, holding our guns up. A second or two later, Mr Stone, Clara and Liv came up in a Jeep and they all got out and held their guns up. We were surrounding this guy and he had nowhere to go.

"Get out of the car, drop your weapon and raise your hands." Tom demanded.

I looked over to him and he was standing so confidently with his gun held up. His hair was just done that morning and it looked so good. Not to mention his black and white suit with a bow tie. But my attention was diverted back to the guy who was coming slowly out of the car. He placed his gun on the floor and held his hands up. Clara and Liv arrested him and put him into the jeep.

"Nice work, you two. Enjoy the rest of your night and your honeymoon. I'll see you two weeks on Monday!" Mr Stone said as he got into the car. We waved and they drove off, leaving us on the beautiful pier.

"Back to the wedding?" Tom asked. I looked over at him and I leaned in, cupping his face. Our lips touched and they moved in sync, passionately and firmly.

"Hmm, maybe we could take a detour." I hummed, pulling away slightly. His hands gripped my hips tighter and I caressed his cheeks.

"Maybe..." He smirked and kissed me again. I slowly brought my hand down as we parted and I palmed his crotch slightly through his trousers.

He gasped a little, "You are a handful, Mrs Holland."

I smirked, "I know. And you wouldn't have me any other way." I said before walking away. He grabbed my hand and twirled me into his chest, crashing our lips together.

"Can I drive?" He whispered.

"If you can handle it." I bit my lip and walked to the passenger seat.

"If I can handle you, I can handle anything." He smirked and we both got in the car. I pressed a button on the roof of the car and it slowly retracted.

"You'll mess up your hair, Jo." He said as it folded back completely.

"I don't care. Drive, Mr Holland." I bit my lip as I smiled. He shook his head, licking his teeth with a smile as he turned the car on and revved the engine. He changed the gears then put one hand on my upper thigh, squeezing it a little. A rush of lust burst through me.

"Mr and Mrs Holland saving the world once again." He smirked before pushing on the accelerator and we sped off, back through the Santorini roads and to our wedding reception.

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