#(17)Dr. Daniel's killer or Dr. Daniel is the killer?

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" Yes?"

"I have got something very important."

"What it is!"

Chen opens a plastic bag and he takes out a hijab pin out of that.He places it in front of us.He says,

"I found it in the drain where we found Dr.Daniel's dead body."

" Uh, it's a hijab pin! Is it yours Miss Rahman?"Mr.Gateson asks narrowing his eyes holding that little thing in his hand.

" Let me see it ,sir," Fathima takes it and she watches it very carefully.

"No, it's not mine! But I know whose is it! It belongs to the woman who snatched the diary from me !"

" Is it the woman who is doing all this?"

" It can be."

" Oh, there's one more thing! We have to ensure if there is really any diary of Dr.Daniel's daughter! This will be clear that Dr.Daniel really wanted those chemicals and he has a close relation with this case or he is really the killer!"

"Right! You  two will go to Dr.Daniel's house immediately tommorow.Till then you two can be discharged! "

" But sir,we ?" Flix says pointing at himself and Chen.

" You two have to stay here to investigate Dr.Daniel's body with our new Doctor Petter.He is new and unfamiliar with the laboratory.Moreover he doesn't know anything about this case.You two have to help him."

I think twice about the name,Petter.

This should be noted in my memory from now on.

" What!"Chen and Flix says with a sad look.

" Sir, I shall leave now," Fathima says with a very tiring look.

"No,Mr.Fahad will take you.It is very late and you are our staff.I have to ensure your safety."

" There's no need , I can take a cab," she politely refused and gave me a strange look.

"There should be no displace of what I have said."

" Fine,sir."

Fathima starts walking with an angry glare at me and I follow her walking.

Before closing the door, I say goodbye to Mr Gateson though Fathima doesn't say ,she is angry because Mr Gateson has done something against her will.

"Are you fine,Fathima?"I ask noticing her disturbed face.


"I said if you are fine?"

" Oh,yes."

She again starts walking sadly without any expression in her face.
Maybe she is worried as well as upset.

"What do you think? Isn't the case very weird? Isn't the things are so mysterious?" On a sudden,she obliviously states the words as if she is assuring her own words rather than asking me.

So true,the case is nothing but foldings after foldings on the real truth. As we are flipping one page,the far I feel we are digging into the truth. Some truths are so mysterious that the seeker also gets lost of what he was seeking.

" Yes,they are." After a dip of silence passes,I simply reply.

" Do you think we will be able to solve this case?"

What's The Detective's Name?✓ (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz