"No I don't, I'm free." J asked with question on her face.

"No you aren't." Wonwoo chimed in.

"Uh yes i am weirdos." J looked around the table and turned back to felix. "Wanna go after school?"

"We're gonna go eat after school." Minghao stated.

"Yeah, yeah aren't you coming?" Wonwoo added.

"No. Me and felix are going boarding did you not just hear the plan being made?" J let out a sigh.

Both of them finally stopped nagging J but they had unsettling feelings in their stomachs. J got up to throw her tray away and Felix put his on top as well earning a head shake from J. As she walked away Wonwoo also got up and walked behind her.

"Don't go." Wonwoo let out while they were standing by the trash cans and J was confused.


"Don't go with him after school." Wonwoo repeated again.

"Oh my go-. Wonwoo. He's my friend, just like you guys and chan are. Why does it matter if it's lix?" J was getting frustrated.

"Stop calling him that! Why can't you just listen to me for once?" Wonwoo let out a little loudly.

"Because I have my own life. I'm with you literally all day and all night" J chuckled a little and Wonwoo blushed. "Why can't I hang out with Felix?" "Why does he bother you so much?"

"He only bothers me when he's making plans with you or making you laugh." Wonwoo looked into J's eyes.

"Too bad. He's a good friend and we're hanging out after school." J started to walk away but Wonwoo grabbed her wrist and the girls sitting at tables closer to the trash cans were now looking at them.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Wonwoo, You can't tell me what to do, we've been over this literally just last night." J gritted her teeth. "Now let me go, people are staring."

Wonwoo let her wrist go when he looked around and noticed people were staring at them. "Why are you so fucking difficult? And Why do you have to hang out with him of all people." Wonwoo put the last sentence as a statement instead of a question and J walked away before he could.

He regretted being so stern but he couldn't control his feelings in that moment. He didn't even understand what was happening and why he was feeling that way. Why didn't he want felix and J to hang out? Why did it bother him so much? He couldn't stop thinking as he headed back to his table but J wasn't there.

"Where's J?" Felix asked wonwoo who didn't look at him. Felix looked around and J wasn't anywhere in the cafeteria. "I'll be right back, I'll find her." Felix got you and wonwoo's eyes followed him.

Felix found J in the classroom and she didn't look too happy. She told him what had happened and Felix looked a little confused. They ended up planning what they were gonna do after school and it cheered J up a little. Chan walked in a little bit after and they all sat down. He looked between felix and J with a sort of worry in his heart. Felix left to go to the bathroom and chan took his chance.

"You and Felix seem to be getting along well."

"Yes! He's pretty great." J smiled.

"Be-better than me?" Chan played with his fingers.

"What?" "Are you jelly bang bang?" J laughed.

"Yes actually. I am mate. You guys are hanging out a lot and it scares me because you're one of my best friends and I don't wanna he replaced." Chan was being completely honest.

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