Chapter 19

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Levi pov


I raced home and ran up to the front door to see Hanji in tears and police men everywhere. One of them had Titan laying in his backseat with his back leg wrapped to take him to the local vet. The scene was chaos as they were making reports of what they assumed had happened and who was involved.

It was as if time slowed and my vision was blurred. I could have been there to protect Eren, but I wasn't. I had lost him for the second time.

Hanji turned to me and hugged me. Normally I would push her away and call her Shitty Glasses, but for now I just let her cry into my shoulder and distract me from my thoughts of the situation.

"Levi, i'm so sorry. I left my phone when I visited and I forgot to tell him to lock the door. It's all my fault."

It took me a second to process what she said but when I did I realized something.

"Actually, Hanji, I think Matt already knew where I lived somehow and so he would have gotten Eren anyway, but we know Matt is a quick individual and tactical so he could have snuck in and stolen Eren anyway. So why did he make a show of shooting Titan only to disable him and giving Eren enough time to call me?"

It was silent for a moment before Hanji turned away and punched the wall hard enough to cause a dent and surprise Levi as well as all the police officers around. She screamed as she hit the wall,


"Uhh, Hanji?"

"That bastard always talked about how he hates to see Eren in pain because of you and how he wished you were in Eren's shoes and blah. Blah, blah! He never shut up about it, so of course he would make a show of stealing Eren. He knows it would hurt you to hear Eren on the phone and be too late to stop him from taking what he wants. He wants to see you squirm and suffer! When I find him i'll make him suffer!!"

One of the police officers stepped forward slowly toward Hanji as she was seething with rage.

"Um.. sorry to interrupt but, you know who did this?"

As Hanji stepped outside to cool off I turned toward the officer.

"Yes, his name is Matt. he used to work at the local pet store."

The officer looked shocked and radioed to who i assume is his superiors saying that Adam was the one that did this and they would need all hands on deck.

"I said Matt not Adam!" i replied

"Yes I know. This man you know as Matt is actually a man named Adam Torres. I assume you may have heard of him considering he runs the biggest omega sex trafficking ring in the country."

I could feel my nails digging into my palm as I clenched my fists in anger.

"Yes, i've heard of that fucker!"

"Well, one of our officers recognised him at the pet store and alerted us, unfortunately Adam noticed our officers and ran away before backup could arrive. We have been searching for him ever since."

"I'll find him if it's the last thing i do."

"Sir please leave that to us."

"Fuck you!! This is my Omega. I'm also searching for him whether you like it or not!!"

I turned to walk outside grabbing Hanji on the way to my car and heading to go talk to Erwin. I could tell Hanji was confused as I demanded she follow me and hopped in my car with her. I didn't answer any of her questions as I dialed Erwin's number and drove off toward his work.

*ring* *ring*

"Levi! I heard what happened from Hanji. What can i do to help?"

I gripped the steering wheel as I started explaining my plan to Hanji and Erwin.

"Listen very closely Erwin, you know the Torres family we have collected evidence on?"

"Yes our business rivals who are apparently involved in sex trafficking? What does this have to do with Matt taking Eren?"

"Matt doesn't exist."

"What?!" Hanji and Erwin both yelled

"Matt is Adam Torres, the next Torres company ceo. So, I need you to find everything we have dug up on them so far and put it together. Also take the photos I sent you of Adam's room with all that shit of Eren and that journal detailed illegal actions he wants to do and has done and put that together as well. I'm picking you up and we are going to Mr.Torres. We are going to blackmail and threaten him until he gives us his son's location. Make sure to pack up our hand guns and ammo as well. He needs to know we are serious. I'll be there in 1 minute. Be ready."

I hung up and sped up toward our destination. Hanji was quite shocked about what she had just heard, but I was so pissed she knew to just stay silent and go along with it. I was getting Eren back no matter who tried to stand in the way.

Eren pov


I woke up with a headache which I assumed was from when Matt eventually pulled over only to open the trunk and knock me out by hitting my head on the trunk floor.

I was in a dog kennel that was only big enough for me to curl up to lay down and hunch over if I was sitting up. The room the cage was in had concrete walls and rusted pipes around and one door. It was dark with just a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

I reached up towards my neck to find a collar with a lock on it. It was quite tight so i knew it would definitely leave bruising. My wrists also had cuffs with locks on each one. They were not connected though so i could at least move my arms separately.

My throat felt dry, but otherwise I didn't seem to have any injuries besides the head.

A few minutes after I woke up the door in the room opened and Matt stepped inside smirking and crouching down to my leval as i cowared away from him as much as i could in this cage.

"Good morning,  my little pet"

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