Virgil can skii as much as Hermione can draw

Start from the beginning

Virgil hesitated before shaking his head.

"Ok well then take grab ahold of my stick" he continued while holding it out, now the emo did as he said. "It's just in case you lose control you can trust me to always catch you"

"Hah you fool, assuming I trust anyone" He did a fake evil laugh.

"Someone woke up on the edgy side of the bed" 

"Just like how you woke up on the infurable side" Virgil teased.

"Don't you mean fabolous" Roman exclaimed while doing jazz hands with his free hand.

"That's gay"

"You're ga-" he stopped mid sentence realizing he didn't know if Virgil was. Oh god how do you even joke around straight people???


Oh thank god, homo humor back in business.

They skiied slowly and Virgil kept staring into the ground with a nervous look. Every now and then he would yelp when there was a bit more snow than on the rest of the ground.

Roman circled around while stopping in one sweeping motion so Virgil went into his chest and stopped as well. He quickly let him go when he realized they were pressed together chest to chest.

"Sorry. Just a tip, look at a tree or something instead of the ground, your body will adjust to the snow naturally"

Virgil sighed "I have anxiety how do you expect me to just relax and look at a tree"

Out of nowhere a loud voice loudly sang with singing voice sounding like a chainsaw "SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME"

Ah, it's the duke.

He was going as fast as he could down the slope and stuck his tounge out when he passed his twin.

Roman took off after him singing just as loudly "THE WORLD IS GONNA ROLL ME" It was a sibling thing, don't question it.

They continued this until the end of the slope where Remus drove right into a snow drove.

The man in red stopped and took off his skiis "Hey bro you okay?" He asked while walking up to the snow drove.

"BLLAARGH!" Remus in response exclaimed throwing snow right into his brother's face.

It was the first blow in a vicious snowfight. Virgil came down a few moments later and immediately took Roman's side so they both absolutely destroyed Remus with snow. While they were hiding behind a snow drove Virgil leaned over and whispered

"Fuck you for leaving me in the middle of the mountain"

"Sorry" He got a smug look on his face "So did you get here so quickly 'cause you wanted to save me or cause you followed my tree tip?"

Virgil gave him the middle finger without saying anything which made Roman laugh. They jumped up from the snow drove at the same time and made sure all of their snow balls went directly into Remus' face.

 Until out of nowwhere 3 snowballs all hit them right in the back. It was Janus coming with a surprise attack. He'd been skiing with Remus but the duke had driven ahead when he saw his twin.

The man in green fell back dramatically and pretended to cry out "Oh my love how could you have killed me like this??" He pouted "Kiss me to resurect me"

Janus sighed before quickly pressing a kiss to his nose.

"MUCH betta" He exclaimed with a smile sitting up.

"I'm going to the jacuzzi they have by the pool" Janus informed "This weather is not good for a cold noodle like me"

"Nice! I love me a good swim!" Roman exclaimed while poking at Virgil to get him to come with.

Balance - Tss AuWhere stories live. Discover now