I'm sorry, so sorry for what I've become

252 23 9

I hope y'all got whiplash from how fast Janus' character changed

Tw: Eating disorder(Bul), vomit mentions, arguing ),:

It had been a week since the sudden break up. Janus had blocked everyone in the friend group and called Picani to say that he wouldn't come to the therapy sessions anymore. He might as well have disapeared into thin air.

Remus had on a yellow hoodie which Jan had left behind. He was sitting by the dinner table and moved the food around with his fork. Roman had finished his meal long ago and was sitting by sofa, watching a bootleg musical. Remy had been starving for 28 hours now but they kept a watchful eye on their boyfriend.

The duke finally finished half of the meal. He glanced around before quickly getting up and throwing the rest of it away. The enby could hear him run into their shared bedroom. Soon after loud music with obscene lyrics blasted from it which was weird since Remus didn't like loud sounds.

Remy got a bad feeling. It was like the worry was weighing down on their shoulders until they couldn't feel anything else but the weight. They got up and went into their room but Remus wasn't there. The worry became so heavy it felt hard to walk as they went towards the bathroom. They stopped and leaned their forehead against the cold door. It sounded as if someone was sick on the other side.

"Hey babe, you okay?" They asked.

No answer came but it sounded like Remus got up and locked the door. Soon after the sounds of someone puking returned.

Remy sighed and sat down with their back against the wall. It must have gone by 5 minutes before Remus finally came out from the room. They immediately jumped up and leaned close to him.

"Girl you good?"

"Roman must have fucked up that meal or something, made me all sick" He mumbled out. He didn't meet their gaze.

"Wouldn't Roro be sick to then?" They asked rhetorically while rolling their eyes. They cupped his cheeks and continued with a gentle voice "I won't be mad if you relapse y'kn-"

Before they could finish their sentence Remus had pushed them away, not harsh enough to hurt but enough to leave an impact.

"How about you stop assuming stuff!" He bit off before storming over to the entrance. He put on his jacket while continuing to grumble out "I don't know when I'll be back but how about when I do get back you try and mind your own fucking business!"

He slammed the door shut behind him.

Remy brushed past what had happened and told themself he was just grumpy after a particular bad relapse. They went back to the couch and tried to focus on the musical. The worry continued to grow until it completely encapsulated everything around them. They didn't even notice that the tv had been turned off.

"Hey hey hey" Roman said while snapping his fingers in front of their face "I'm going to bed, you should too"


The bed felt empty without a body laying next to them. Remy took out their phone and scrolled through social media to get their mind off of...well everything. They didn't want to think about how Janus apparently hadn't cared about them enough to even say goodbye before completely leaving their life. They didn't want to think about where their boyfriend could be right now.

Janus had said that as long as he was there he would make sure they were okay. He said he would always be here. They should have known he was a liar.

It must have been at least 3 am when the door quietly opened and Remus came home. He didn't even bother changing clothes before laying down in the bed with a huff.

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