Cry yourself a river, Then drown in it

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Tw: Transphobia, Suicidal thoughts, Mentions of past abuse (Oh boy this sounds fun)

Weird how all of my sanders sides fic involve some form of abuse.....Ah sweet sweet projection

The coffee pot made a loud annoying sound as the beans got pressed down. Remy was planning to chug the entire pot themself. While Roman was hacking up a cucumber. He liked having a snack for movie nights but popcorn was too much for him today so he settled for cucumber.

The silence in the kitchen was interupted by a voice saying 'You're perfect, you're beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista' over and over which was Remy's ring signal. They picked it up and noticed that the call was from an unknown adress.

"If this is the police my name is Roman Prince, if this is anyone else this is Remy Siest" They greeted.

"It's not the police. I'm wondering if you would finally accept the invite to Christmas this year" A gruff voice said from the other side.

"H-hey dad" Remy stuttered out in a quiet voice. Their body tensed up and their eyes fixated on a spot on the floor. They felt like a little kid again.

"With that tone you make it sound like I'm threatening you. Last time I checked there's nothing wrong with me wanting to spend a holiday with my son. It's quite lonely spending them all alone"

"Like I've said the last 3 times you've called. I'm not your son, I'm your child and fuck you! I wish I wasn't that either! I go by they/them"

"So you're going to identify as a bush now? A sofa?" Their dad muttered.

"No I-"

He sighed "Son I accept it if you're gay. It's okay. I'll go to your hypothetical wedding and all but this is just going too far"

"You're the last person on earth I'd invite to my wedding. And just like 5 seconds ago I am still nonbinary"

"What are you really then? Because you can't just be nothing"

"I-I don't want to talk to you" Roman glanced over when he heard how shaky their voice was.

"You never do. Your mother would still be alive if you didn't exist. I hoped I would get a son that at least stuck around so that her death would be worth it but instead I got one that ran away at 15. Do you know what happens to people who run away that early? Most of them become homeless or addicted to drugs or prostitutes. Do you even realize how much I worry about you? You don't even know how much it hurts to lose both your wife and your son"

Remy opened their mouth to respond but not a single sound came out. Roman placed his hand on their shoulder and took the phone from their shaking hand.

"Hello Mr. Siest. This is Roman, I'm T H E I R  roomate. You'd probably remember me from the many times I hung out with them at your house when we were  younger but you were always a drunked bastard so I doubt it. Maybe you don't have enough braincells to realize this but they don't want to speak to you so if you call them again I will not hesitate to go over to your house and slay you with my sword" He said cheerfully with a smile "Have a good day"

He hung up and blocked the number. Remy had curled up on the ground with their back against the cabinets. Roman sat down next to them and pulled them into a light embrace.

"I blocked the last number. Why does he keep intruding on my life. How does he even keep getting my numbers? I just want to go a year without having to hear his voice" They mumbled "What if he's found my adress?"

"He hasn't" Roman assured before they could start hyperventilating "You're safe and besides you're a legal adult. What would he even do if he knew where you are?"

Balance - Tss AuWhere stories live. Discover now