The gays are gaying

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Tw: Eating disorder (ana/ednos), Innuendos (courtesy of Remus)

Guys I did it! I wrote a fic where Remus isn't in a toxic relationship!! 

Remy rubbed their eyes before looking at the time on their phone and realizing they had wasted an entire night scrolling through their phone again. It was already 9 am and too late to try and sleep. Remus was snoring peacefully next to them. He laid spread out like a starfish and the blanket had been thrown to the floor.

"Wake up babe" Remus felt a warm breath against his cheek and the pressure on the bed changing as someone moved closer to him. He slowly opened his eyes to peer up at Remy.

"5 m're minutes" He yawned out "Or just leave me to sleep forever"

"Not today" Remy shifted their position so they were sitting right next to him. They leaned down pressing a long kiss to his lips "Happy 4 year anniversary sweetheart"

"Heh that went fast"

"Now we just gotta keep going til next year, right?"

"Right!" He trailed his hand through the other's hair "Can't we just stay in bed all day, that would be a pretty dope anniversary"

"Nah sorry girl. We got like therapy and I gotta work at the coffe shop today so like we better get up"

Remus did puppy eyes "But tomorrow we'll do something right??? Like destroy trash cans? Or visit the aquarium? Or commit murder?"

"Aquarium 5 pm tomorrow, it's a date" Remy did fingerguns.

"Yay! But next year we murder someone"

"Yas girl definetly. question is who?"

Remus opened his notebook/sketchbook "According to my list of people I want to murder the most your dad is at number 1"

"Fuck yeah. Unless that son of a bitch has died of alcohol posioning we are so murdering him next year" They high fived.

Remus jumped down on the floor and fished around for something under the bed. He pulled out a stack of papers and handed the papers over to them.

"I made you a gift!" He exclaimed "I was thinking of making a collage of drawings I've made based of a bunch of pictures of us...but then I kinda forgot to make it a collage so you just get a bunch of drawings!"

Remy looked through them while smiling. The first drawing was of 14 year old them smiling at the camera. It was taken after they'd met in detention and then swiftly teamed up to break out of it. A mustache less Remus was hugging them while they took the picture though the bruises on their wrists that were there in the picture weren't in the drawing.

The second drawing was when they were 17 and stole Remus' parents car. They had driven to a cliff to watch the stars during new years eve. It had ended with the duke stuttering out a love confession. Remy laughed when they remembered that the car door had opened while they were kissing so they fell down onto the ground.

The third drawing was when they were 18 and moved into the apartement they live in now. Remus was carrying them over the doorstep while grinning. There were multiple other drawings too.

"Awww this is too sweet babe" Remy gushed before kissing him "I didn't get you anything cause being with me is a gift in of itself"

Remus nodded "Yeah that makes sense"

"Girl omg girl I was kidding" They took out a small black box "I got you green tentacle piercings since I know you've like wanted them for a while"

"FUCk yeah!" He flapped his hands around out of happiness "Thanks!!!"

The two of them cuddled for a while before Remy got up to start their day. The first thing they did every morning was go to the bathroom so they could body check in the mirror. Check how far up they could wrap their hand around their arm. Check if they had a thigh gap yet. Check how prominent their collar bones were. Check how many ribs they could count. Check. Check. Check.

Balance - Tss AuWhere stories live. Discover now