Merry Bitchmas!

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Remy and Logan are both part of the I-feel-guilty-for-my-mother's-death club

(Also I'm sorry I've been wanting to write this fic for quite a while but now when I'm writing it feels so bad and boring and I'm sorry and I'm so anxious about it being shit)

"So are you all excited to spend Christmas with your families or what?" Virgil asked while blowing on the hot cup of choco in his hands.

The group had just finished their last therapy session of the year and were now sitting at a cafe. The question made a tension filled silence take over. Remy decided to break it.

"Nope! I haven't seen my biological dad in over 6 years and I'm not planning to like change that now. Tho I wouldn't mind spending it with like my new dad aka Patton"

"Aww kiddo I would love to spend it with you too!!" He replied with a smile "I'm not spending it with my parents this year. I usually do but I don't have the energy to pretend to be straight for several hours right now. I mean my parents are great aside from the whole being bigots thing, I just don't have the energy"

Patton fiddled with his hands. He'd planned to spend this holiday with Lev but since they'd broken up he'd instead planned to be all alone and binge and cry while hugging his plushies.

"I think I'm going to see my padres" Roman mumbled while picking at his red bracelet.

'No you're not' Remus wrote into his text to speech app 'Those bastards don't deserve you. I'm gonna chain you to the wall if that what it takes to stop you'

He'd been drifting between being verbal and nonverbal ever since Remy's suicide attempt. He didn't handle the prospect of death well (seemed to be in the genes since neither did Ro). Every time his partner wasn't with him he went nonverbal and began panicking about them hurting themself. Right now they were sitting in his lap and sipping on coffee so he was calm.
He'd lied and said he was going nonverbal because of bad sensory problems to not make Remy feel guilty.

Janus banged his forhead into the table while groaning "I don't think I have a choice. I mean we celebrate kwanzaa not Christmas but my parents are going to force me to eat and I'm not even sure if I can convince them to let Remus come over on like the big feast day"

'I will crash in through a window if I have to' The duke patted his shoulder.

Logan leaned over to Virgil and said "Glad to see someone else is in the actually having good parents club. My father is wonderful but I've already planned to only spend new years ever with him and Patton so I have no plans for Christmas"

"Oooohh I'm gonna make firework cookies! I hope he likes them" Patton exclaimed

"Alright that's it you sad bitches" Virgil stood up and announced with a loud voice "You are all invited to come and celebrate Christmas with me!"


It was 3 pm on the 25th December (Since apparently Americans are weird and celebrate it on the 25th) and Virgil was desperatly trying to fix his purple hair fluff so it looked straight and moody like he liked it. 

"Look at my lil boy all grown up with all his friends" Dot (his mom) cooed while patting his shoulder.

"Yeah exactly they're my first and only friends so please don't embarass me" He replied.

"Embarrasing you is Larry's job"

"Right. Ehm mom I've forgot to say but if these guys maybe don't eat that much or at all please don't take that as an insult to your cooking, I know it'll taste great but these guys..and Remy are from the eating disorder thing I told you about and most of them don't have BED like I probably do"

Balance - Tss AuWhere stories live. Discover now