You've ever been so drunk you nearly kiss your boyfriend's boyfriend?

436 27 8

Tw: Alcohol

Day 2 at the skii restort. Things were still going good, so far at least. Roman was pretty sure that everything was about to go very very bad though.

Get this: he'd invited Virgil to go to the local cinema near the supermarket to watch a movie and Virgil had actually agreed to it! Roman hoped that he would actually be able to call the moody emo his friend after this....or he would screw everything up and make him hate him.

So he'd gone over to Remy and the gang's mini apartement to get help to at least look presentable. Remy constantly bragged about how they were such a fashionista so might as well use their so called fashion skills.

"OOoooh girl you gonna go out and kiss ye new boytoy" Remy said while moving down their sunglasses. Remus leaned aginst them and made overexagarated kissing noises. (Janus had listened to them talk about fashion for 2 minutes before saying it was stupid and hiding down in his bed to read.)

"He's a friend" Roman huffed while opening the door.

"Why you're going on a date then"

"it's not a date, It's just a movie aight" He sighed. He really didn't have time for this. He had too leave now or he'd probably be late to the cinema.

"If you say so girl"

"Oh yeah totally doesn't sound like bullshit" Remus nodded along with a fake serious expression.

"I hate you both"

The moment he closed the door he heard Remy exclaim "Finally he's gone"

"Now we have the entire night for ourself!! We can annoy JanJan in so many ways!!"

There was a mix of rain and snow falling from the sky as he ran the last streets towards the cinema. It was as beautiful as a movie scene when he stopped and saw Virgil stand a few metres away. He had a purple umbrella and the light from the streetlamp above him made the ground around him shine lavender. He was looking up at the moon which had just come up. Roman nearly didn't want to let him know he was there. Just looking at him was enough for his chest to warm.

The moment was broken as Virgil turned and locked eyes with his new friend and sent a small small smile. Roman grinned back.

"Ready to blow up the cinema?" The emo asked in a hushed voice as if it was a secret plan.

"Wait what?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to catch you of guard" 

He looked up at him with the normal relaxed Virgil expression of half open eyes and a smile where only the right side of his lips actually smiled. It made Roman melt a little.

"So are we gonna go in or are we just gonna stand out here in the rain like sad fishes" Virgil muttered while motioning for the entrance.

"Oh yeah right"

While Virgil was hyping himself up and pushing his anxiety down to go pay for the tickets Roman noticed what movie they were actually watching. It was a horror comedy about a cult of vampire cowboys taking over florida and starting a hotel business.

"Holy damn, Hey Viv I'm in this movie"


"Yeah, I'm an extra in some scenes. When the end of the month is coming near and rent is due I often panic and apply to be an extra in a bunch of movies to make some extra money"

Virgil laughed "I thought I'd accidentally become friends with a famous actor or something" A second after he'd said he realized he'd said friend. Shit were they friends? The thought made him smile.

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