Chapter 20

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The sun shone brightly through (Y/N)'s blinds, waking her up before her alarm could even go off. She sat up, stretched, then opened her window to let in some of the crisp morning air. She threw on some athletic clothes and raced down to the kitchen to heat up a meat bun for breakfast.

Once finished, (Y/N) tied her running shoes on tightly and opened the front door, noticing that despite the bright sun, it was quite cool this morning. She started her run slowly for a few blocks, then sped up in a different direction than usual. (Y/N) had promised the little boy Sousuke that she would come teach him volleyball at the park today, but knew he probably wouldn't be out this early. So to kill a bit of time, she decided it would be best to just jog around and explore the neighborhood a bit more.

For the next hour, (Y/N) ventured around the unfamiliar streets, enjoying the scenery of the town. The Hyōgo prefecture was different from her hometown in Miyagi but she honestly quite liked it here. She was grateful for the new friends she had made at Inarizaki, and though she had experienced a few bumps along the way, she was genuinely glad that she had moved.

Looking at the time, (Y/N) changed course and ran towards the park. Within no time, the clusters of trees and other greenery came into view ahead of her. Upon entering the park, she immediately spotted Sousuke passing a volleyball. As (Y/N) got closer, she realized he wasn't bumping to himself, seeing that there was another figure passing with him.

'Shit' (Y/N) thought to herself, noticing the tall, athletic build and blond hair of Sousuke's partner.


She spun around and tried to sneak away as discreetly as possible but it was too late.

"(Y/N)! You came!" Sousuke's voice called out to her, filled with joy.

"Hi there Sousuke." (Y/N) tried her best to give a cheerful smile.

"Remember Atsumu-Senpai from last time?" The little boy pointed at Atsumu, "He wanted to come again and help me practice."

"Is that so?" She turned her head to Atsumu and raised an eyebrow, receiving a smirk from him in return. (Y/N) unclenched her fists and took a deep breath, she could handle this, she was mature and didn't need to get caught up in childish grudges in front of Sousuke.

(Y/N) bent down so she was at eye-level with the little boy, "What would you like us to teach you today?" She asked sweetly.

"I wanna spike REALLY HARD!" He imitated the motions of a spike, causing (Y/N) to giggle.

Atsumu walked over and crouched beside her, "That sounds like a great idea." He said in a tone of voice that surprised (Y/N). Atsumu didn't seem to be the type of person who would be good with kids, but he was proving himself otherwise. He continued, "Since we don't have a net, how about (Y/N)-Chan and I show you a proper arm swing so you can hit it REALLY HARD!"

"WOW! That sounds so cool!" Sousuke gushed in enthusiasm.

"Here's what's going to happen." Atsumu began, shooting (Y/N) one of his signature winks, "I'm going to toss this ball high up to (Y/N)-Chan and she's going to spike it back to me. Now Sousuke, watch her carefully and see how she swings her arm."

Atsumu held the ball in front of him and took a few steps back. (Y/N) gave him a skeptical look, as if saying 'No funny business.'

Atsumu threw the ball to himself and set (Y/N) a high toss, with incredible accuracy as usual. As it came down towards her, she turned her body slightly and forcefully spiked the ball back at him. Very hard. He caught the ball at his stomach, which knocked the breath out of him, sending him back a couple of steps. Yikes, that looked like hurt, she probably shouldn't have hit it with so much force.

For a few seconds, Atsumu didn't look up at her, his hands on his knees. 'Uh oh.' (Y/N) thought with a twinge of guilt.

Suddenly he pushed himself upright and faced her, he was flushed red and grinning, "That was great! Sousuke, did you see how powerfully she hit it?" He panted, still slightly breathless.

"Yeah!" He cried, "The ball went whoosh, and she hit it like bam!"

Atsumu chuckled, "But did you see exactly what (Y/N)-Chan did with her arm? She opened up her body and pulled back her right arm behind her head, then swung it at the ball and finished the arm swing across her chest." He explained in detail, "And if you look even closer, when she hit the ball, she snapped her wrist so it would have a downward spin."

(Y/N) was taken aback at how easily Atsumu had been able to pick apart her spike. He had managed to identify almost every movement and explain it in a simple way to Sousuke.

"Did I miss anything?" Atsumu looked over at (Y/N).

"I don't think so." She said promptly.

"Can I try now?" The young boy's eyes were wide in excitement.

(Y/N) nodded and they began to practice, Atsumu tossing balls for the Sousuke while (Y/N) stood a few feet away giving pointers. Within no time, he had improved significantly, hitting the ball towards Atsumu with more speed and power.

She turned her attention to Atsumu, who was racing around, continuously picking up the ball Sousuke had hit at him and then setting it back. Who knew that Miya Atsumu would enjoy playing with children so much.

After a while, they stopped so Sousuke could have a water break. He ran over to the water fountain, leaving (Y/N) alone with Atsumu.

"Are you having fun (Y/N)?" He asked.

She didn't respond.

"Come on (Y/N), I'm sorry. Give me one more chance, I promise I won't mess it up."

She thought about it silently. If they made up, then it would save her a lot of problems, especially since she saw him all the time. He was her classmate after all, as well as Osamu's brother, so maybe something good could come out of it if they moved past the previous events.

"Fine Atsumu. One more chance."

His eyes brightened and he extended his hand for her to shake. (Y/N) hesitantly reached out and took it.

They shook on it and he stepped closer, patting her on the head, "Great! So tomorrow you're going to come over to my house tomorrow so we can work on the project."

"Um, I guess so." She responded. She wasn't busy tomorrow and the sooner they finished, the better.

"You know what? We can now be running buddies too!" Atsumu added.

"Don't push it Atsumu." She said with a hint of amusement, taking a step away from him.

Sousuke returned and they resumed practicing on their patch of grass. The morning chill was disappearing, being replaced by the late afternoon heat.

The three of them were beginning to tire out and eventually Sousuke flopped onto the ground in exhaustion. He lay there for a minute, staring at the clouds, then abruptly jumped up.

"Let's get ice cream at the convenience store!" He hopped up and down. "I have enough money to buy one!" He said as he pulled out and counted the loose change from his pocket.

"Sure." Atsumu said, "I wouldn't mind something cold to eat."

"You guys go ahead. I didn't bring any money with me and I should head home anyways." (Y/N) stretched out her legs, preparing for her jog back home.

"(Y/N)-Chan! We're friends now, so let me treat you to an ice cream." Atsumu didn't give her the chance to respond, he had already taken hold of (Y/N)'s shirt and dragged her with him in the direction of the convenience store.

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