Chapter 3

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(Y/N) fell backwards but felt a sturdy arm grip her waist. She looked up to see a familiar face.

"(Y/N)?" She stared at him, then blushed, realizing he was still holding her. Straightening herself up, she bowed.

"Sorry Kita-San, I should've been watching where I was going."

"Yea, you should have." He said bluntly. She blushed again in embarrassment.

"What are you doing in this area?" She questioned.

"I'm walking to school. I live a couple streets down from here." He answered casually, "And you?"

"I just moved into my new house down there." She said, pointing down the road she had just come from.

(Y/N) and Kita walked in an awkward silence towards the school. This felt different than walking with Suna, whose lack of words was peaceful. (Y/N) felt the urge to say something, it was too quiet to bear.

"How come nobody told me Atsumu and Osamu were twins?" She suddenly blurted out.

Kita looked over at her, "Took you long enough to figure that out."

Ouch. She thought to herself.

"Well," he continued, "Osamu and Suna seemed to enjoy that little trick they played on you and I didn't want to spoil their fun."

"Fair enough." She replied, "I like Osamu better, Atsumu acts like an absolute jerk towards me."

Kita paused for a moment, "It's not just you."

"Hm?" (Y/N) looked at Kita, confused.

He paused again, "Atsumu has been acting differently lately, not just towards you. Don't get me wrong, he's always been self-centered and arrogant, but these past few weeks he's just been plain rude. To his classmates and even the volleyball team. I'm convinced its because of that stupid girl."

"Girl?" (Y/N) questioned.

"The one in his class. She's absolutely awful. I think her name is Akari."

(Y/N) thought back to the girl who was snickering at the back of the class with Atsumu the day before.

"I see." She said to Kita.

They arrived at the gates of the school, just on time. (Y/N) turned to Kita and waved goodbye at the captain. He nodded and they parted ways, (Y/N) making her way towards the 2nd-year hallway.

Upon entering the class, she immediately spotted Atsumu and Akari in the back. She took her seat behind Suna, who was occupied with the games on his phone. She looked back up at Atsumu and Akari. The dark-haired girl was laughing hysterically at her phone, shoving it in front of Atsumu's face. (Y/N) could hear snippets of what Akari was saying.

"Atsumu look at this." Akari giggled "... she looks so fat in this photo." She stuck the phone even closer to his face. Atsumu moved his head back, away from the screen, and hesitated.

"I guess so." (Y/N) heard him say quietly.

(Y/N) could see the forced smile on his face. He looked uncomfortable, though Akari didnt seem to notice. He turned his head, (Y/N)s eyes locked with his, neither of them breaking eye contact. Finally, (Y/N) raised an arched eyebrow at him, giving a disapproving look and turned back around to her desk.

At the sound of the lunch bell, Suna stood up.

"Lets go."

(Y/N) looked up in surprise.

"You're coming to eat with us right?" He said, seeing her confused expression.

"Do your friends want me eating with them again..?" She questioned.

"Of course, dummy." Said Suna, "They like you a lot. Now come on, lets go."

(Y/N) wasn't even two steps into the cafeteria when she heard a voice yelling her name.


She looked to see Koharu standing up at the table frantically waving her arms with the usual smile on her face. Kita was sitting in the seat next to Koharu, tugging her shirt so that she would sit down and stop making a scene. (Y/N) neared the table and grinned when she saw Osamu. As she sat down across from him, she flicked his forehead and grabbed an onigiri from his bento. He gave her an inquisitive look.

"And thats for tricking me yesterday." She said, triumphantly holding the rice ball.

The group ate their lunches, chatting and joking around.

"Ew the cafeteria food tastes like trash today." Koharu said with a disgusted expression on her face.

"You're trash." Suna said quietly, with a little smirk on his face.

"SUNA." Koharu playfully whacked him.

'Trash huh?' (Y/N) thought with a grin, 'Reminds me of someone from my old school.' Reminiscing of the times back at Aoba Johsai.'



"Hm?" She replied, snapping back to reality.

"Why did you move to Inarizaki, (Y/N)?" Koharu questioned.

"Well..." She thought for a moment, "My dad got a job offer here in Hyōgo, and there were a lot of schools to choose from but I decided to come here to Inarizaki because of the volleyball."

"Then what are you waiting for?!" Koharu exclaimed, "Let's get you signed up for the volleyball club!"

(Y/N) shook her head and held up her taped wrist.

Koharus face fell, "I see." She said disappointedly.


(Y/N) was still hungry, even after eating all of her food along with Osamu's onigiri. She slid out from her spot at the table and began to walk towards the vending machine, craving a nice carton of milk.

(Y/N) didnt notice Akari eyeing her as she made her way towards the vending machine. The dark-haired girl whispered to Atsumu, who was standing beside her with a tray of food. Atsumu looked at Akari and shook his head, unwillingly. Akari pulled him closer whispering threateningly in his ear, and his face turned sheet-white. He nodded reluctantly.

(Y/N) reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet, sifting through it, looking for enough money for milk. Pulling out the amount she was searching for, she smiled, looking up just in time to see a figure looming in front of her, holding a tray of food.

It happened in a matter of seconds, the tray flipping, food covering (Y/N)s uniform. Her wallet dropped to the ground. The cafeteria went dead silent. (Y/N) face turned from astonishment to anger as she turned to see Atsumu holding the now-empty tray.

'I think I have a new definition of trash.' Thought (Y/N) seconds before she brought her hand across his face in a satisfying slap.

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