Chapter 10

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Monday morning, Kita was waiting at the door to walk (Y/N) to school. She noticed lately that the more time she spent with him, the more he shed his stern and serious persona. She found herself enjoying his company, especially when he attempted the occasional joke. (Y/N) would end up laughing more at seeing him fail miserably at being funny rather than the joke itself.

Upon arriving at school, (Y/N) greeted Suna and settled herself into her desk. The bell signaled the start of class, and the teacher waited for the class's attention.

"Good morning, I hope you all enjoyed the nice weather on the weekend." The teacher said, "Today we're going to begin class with a pop quiz on our previous math lesson."

There were collective groans throughout the students as the teacher passed out the quizzes. (Y/N) was sweating, unprepared for this sudden evaluation. The paper was slid in front of her and she looked down at it in panic. The harsh lines of her frown slowly softened as she scanned through the questions on the quiz. These problems were almost exactly the same as the ones Atsumu had helped her with last week.

(Y/N) confidently filled each answer without a single issue. After finishing, she glanced up at the other students, who seemed to be stressing and struggling with their own quizzes. (Y/N) turned to the back of the class, seeing Atsumu had finished as well and had his head down on the desk as if he were asleep. He probably was asleep, (Y/N) snickered to herself.

Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) could see Akari craning her neck, trying to look at Atsumu's answers. Unfortunately for her, since Atsumu's head was on the desk, it covered his paper. (Y/N) was very amused by this and almost laughed out loud.

More time passed and the teacher finally collected the pop quizzes. Suna turned to face (Y/N), his face filled with relief.

"I'm so happy that's over." He said quietly. "I definitely failed that."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Maybe if you actually do your homework, you won't have to worry about failing the quizzes."

The rest of class was long and dull, (Y/N) found herself staring out the window for the majority of the lesson. The only thing keeping her motivated was the idea of lunchtime, her stomach growling with the thought of food. She had to resist the urge to leap up and sprint to the cafeteria that very moment.

At the sound of the bell, (Y/N) shot up out of her seat and seized Suna's arm, dragging him out the door.

"You sure are a monster when you're hungry, (Y/N)." Suna fussed.

They sat down at the usual table and began their lunches, the rest of the group joining promptly afterwards. Osamu took extra precautions and ate his onigiris first so that (Y/N) wouldn't have the chance to sneak up on him and steal them away.

For once, Koharu was pretty silent. She was particularly concentrated on the notes she was writing in a small notebook, barely touching her lunch.


"Hm?" She hummed, looking up from her book.

"Watcha doin?" Suna asked, somewhat concerned about Koharu's absence of speech.

"I'm calculating and averaging the volleyball team's individual and overall statistics, to help the coach identify the areas of improvement." She answered quickly, then went back to her writing.

"Wow I didn't know Koharu was capable of doing such intellectual things." Osamu teased quietly, earning a smack on the forehead.

"Koharu, you don't need to rush to finish that, you know? Practice is cancelled today because they need to clean the gym." Kita pointed out.

"WHAT?! AND NOBODY TOLD ME?!" Koharu wailed, earning a few looks from other students in the cafeteria.

"You should know that, you're the manager." Kita said.

"Shut up Kita, I don't need you rubbing that in my face." She complained.

No practice today? (Y/N) was a little disappointed, she had been planning to come and watch after school. She also wanted to possibly practice a bit by herself to get her wrist used to playing again. Then an idea hit her.

"Osamu? Since there's no practice today, can we play in your backyard court after school?" She asked hopefully.

Everyone's eyes lit up, they all looked at Osamu expectantly.

"My court? Oh yea, sure. You guys can come."


Once dismissed from class, everyone gathered at the front entrance of the school and Osamu led the way towards his house. They walked past the park where (Y/N) had first met the little boy Sousuke, then continued a few blocks down until they arrived at Osamu's home. 

His mother Yuko greeted them at the door.

"(Y/N)! It's such a pleasure to see you again." Said Yuko cheerfully.

(Y/N) and Kita bowed and thanked her for having them over, while on the other hand, Koharu, Suna, and Osamu had already bolted through the house and into the back yard. (Y/N) and Kita continued politely chatting with Yuko for a few minutes. Eventually (Y/N) made her way towards the back yard, stepping into the grass with Kita following closely behind.

There were many volleyballs littered around the yard, probably from the last time one of the twins had been practicing. Suna and Koharu stood at the court passing a ball back and forth, Koharu clearly struggling. Osamu was adjusting the net, seeming to have quite some difficulty. Noticing (Y/N) and Kita were finally joining them, Suna stopped passing and caught the ball.

"(Y/N). Duck." She did what Suna told her and he thrusted the ball, over (Y/N)'s crouched body, hitting Kita square in the stomach.

Kita doubled over, holding his stomach. After a few moments passed, he slowly looked up at Suna, and in a soft, but murderous voice he said, "You're dead."

The backyard suddenly became a battleground for a deadly game of dodgeball. The calm and collected Kita that (Y/N) knew disappeared as he chased Suna around the yard. (Y/N) was laughing hysterically at the scene, that was, until a stray ball nailed her thigh.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU DUMBASSES THREW THAT?" (Y/N) picked it up and hurled it back towards them.

Volleyballs were flying everywhere, and in no time, Osamu and Koharu joined in on the fun as well. It was utter chaos, (Y/N) was surprised with the lack of casualties so far.

Osamu wound up, about to pitch another ball at Kita, when a voice interrupted them.

"What in the world are you doing? You look like stupid children."

(Y/N) whipped around, seeing Akari at the back door, staring at them in disgust.

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