Chapter 19

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Akari was back at school the day after, making everyone's lives miserable as usual. On (Y/N)'s way to the cafeteria for lunch, Akari had poked her foot out and tried to trip her. Thankfully, (Y/N) had fast reflexes and managed to steady herself before she could fall.

Once dismissed from school, it was time for (Y/N)'s first practice with the girl's volleyball team. She arrived at the gym and changed into her volleyball uniform. (Y/N) had expected to feel nervous, but to her annoyance, she realized that after last night's training with Atsumu, she was ready to play.

'What was the brown-haired captain's name again?' (Y/N) felt bad that she had completely forgotten the name of the captain and setter of the girl's team. 'Sakura? Seki? Sachi..? Sachi! That was it.' (Y/N) sighed in relief, glad that she wouldn't have to embarrass herself by asking for Sachi's name again.

She finished putting on her shoes and ran towards the huddle of girls on the side of the court. Sachi waved excitedly and beckoned (Y/N) to stand beside her.

"Attention everybody!" The captain called to team of girls, "We have a new player joining us this season. This is (Y/N)(L/N)!"

(Y/N)'s new team respectfully bowed and said their hellos.

"Thank you for having me." She said with a small smile.

"(Y/N) moved to Inarizaki all the way from Aoba Johsai." Sachi continued, "What position do you play?"

"Wing spiker." (Y/N) responded quickly.

"Perfect!" Sachi clapped her hands together and turned to the rest of the team, "Let's get started!"


Suna, Osamu, and Atsumu walked leisurely towards the gymnasium. It was around the time that the girls would be finishing their practice and they could already see a few of them exiting the gym. A small first-year player opened the doors and left, followed by Sachi. The captain was fumbling through her bag looking for something. She glanced up at the sound of the boys' footsteps approaching, her face appeared to be more pale than usual.

"Oh, h-hi there." She stuttered.

Atsumu gave her an inquisitive look, "Are you good there Sachi? You look a bit shaken."

"Ahh it's nothing." She said, a bit flustered.

"Bullshit." Suna snickered quietly.

Sachi shot him a look, then paused, "Well... it's (Y/N). You s-see I-" She stuttered again, then blurted out, "I'VE NEVER SEEN A SECOND YEAR PLAY LIKE THAT. SHE'S LITERALLY A VOLLEYBALL PRODIGY."

"Well that's (Y/N) for you. She's full of surprises... and an appetite" Osamu shivered at the memory of her snatching his precious onigiris.

"Did someone say my name?" (Y/N) swung herself outside the door, clearly in a good mood. Playing volleyball always made her feel a buzz of happiness. "Hey Osamu! Hey Suna! You must be here for practice!" She grinned.

"What about meee? Can I get a 'hi!' too?" Atsumu complained.

(Y/N) flat out ignored him and turned to Sachi, "I gotta get going now, but thank you for today Sachi-Senpai. I had a lot of fun!"

"Senp-? Ah no! Just Sachi is fine." Sachi giggled as (Y/N) had already taken off on her way home.

Atsumu gazed into the distance as (Y/N)'s figure grew smaller. A sense of longing formed in his chest, all he wanted was for her to stop disliking him. But that seemed unrealistic, since he had screwed up all of his chances with her.

"Earth to Atsumu." Suna waved his hand in front of the blond-haired boy's face, "Why are you still staring at (Y/N)? It's kind of creepy."

He flushed, "Wha- No! I was looking at... uhh... that bird over there!" He wildly pointed into the empty sky.

"Sure Atsumu. If you say so." Suna smirked and the three boys entered the gym.


That evening, (Y/N) and her family were settled at the table for a delicious home-cooked meal. Almost drooling at her bowl of food, (Y/N) had to hold herself back from shovelling down the whole thing in one go.

"Slow down there sweetheart. You don't want to choke." Her mother said with an amused tone.

Her father cut in, "Nonsense, let her do what she wants, since this is our first family dinner in a while. I'm sorry I've been late from work this past week."

"No worries." (Y/N)'s mother said, "The other day Yuko Miya was telling me all about the big project your company has taken on recently."

(Y/N)'s ears perked up, she had almost forgotten that her father worked for the same company as Osamu and Atsumu's mother. 'Wow, my memory really seems to be slipping a lot lately. Probably because I have so much on my mind.' She thought to herself. The conversation at the table bounced around various topics, (Y/N) only somewhat paying attention since she was distracted by her food.

"So (Y/N)..." Her father raised an eyebrow "... Do you have a boyfriend yet?"


"What about that nice boy Kita?" Her mother interrupted, "He comes by quite often to walk you to school."


"Or even better..." Her mother continued, "Atsumu seems like a wonderful young man. You two would make a cute couple."

(Y/N) nearly choked on the food in her mouth, "Absolutely not. Mom, you're delusional."

Luckily, (Y/N) was able to quickly change the subject to volleyball, filling her parents in on her first day of practice. She excitedly explained all the drills they did and how much fun they were. All of her new teammates had been very nice to (Y/N) and she had a feeling that this season was going to be a blast.

After finishing, she cleaned up the dinner table and climbed upstairs to her bedroom, flopping onto her bed. (Y/N) was thankful that it was Friday, meaning that she would have the weekend to wind down and relax a bit. She had a few assignments that she had to finish up, but they wouldn't take up too much time. As well... she had her project. (Y/N) buried her face in her pillow, remembering she would have to meet up with Atsumu at some point soon in order to work on their English project. (Y/N) thought about it for a moment and decided as long as he didn't act like a little bitch, she knew she'd manage to survive and maybe even come out of it with a decent mark.

She rolled over and sat up on her bed, a wave of exhaustion suddenly hitting her. Maybe today she would go to bed early tonight. (Y/N) stood up to go shower and brush her teeth, setting her alarm clock for 7:15 on her way to the door. Of course she couldn't forget about her Saturday morning run.

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