Chapter 16

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"May I have your attention." The teacher silenced the class, "As I mentioned yesterday, today you will be beginning your English projects."

It was the day after (Y/N) had skipped her day of school and she had absolutely no idea what the teacher was talking about. It was probably best to just listen and follow further instruction.

"I have assigned you each a partner and you will be responsible for working with them on this project outside of class time. I have posted the partner list up over there." The teacher said, motioning to a sheet of paper taped to the wall, "Feel free to take a look."

The students stood up and crowded around the sheet, (Y/N) could hear squeals of excitement from some of her classmates that were paired up with their friends. (Y/N) wasn't too picky, though, she didn't want anyone too stupid. She squeezed through the crowd and inspected the sheet of paper. Sota and Hana... Hitoshi and Yuito... Suna and Akari.

(Y/N) almost snickered out loud, imagining Suna having to deal with the crazy bitch, knowing she would probably drive him insane. She continued down the list.

Kioshi and Mayumi... (Y/N) and Atsumu...

NO. That couldn't be right. She tried to keep a calm demeanor, but in her mind, she was screaming. Atsumu, who had also just read the list, looked over to see (Y/N), a muscle twitching in her agitated face. Yes he was a bit worried about getting his the shit kicked out of him, but Atsumu also felt glad that he would have the opportunity to try and fix things with her.

He took a step towards her, "Hey (Y/N)-"

"Meet in the library after school." She interrupted him, "We'll have almost two hours to work on the project before your volleyball practice starts, so don't be late." She said coldly, immediately walking to her desk across the room and sitting down, giving Atsumu no time to reply.

"Of all people I could have been paired up with." She complained as Suna sat in his seat in front of her.

"(Y/N), trust me, having Atsumu as a partner is way better than Akari. Plus, you guys can now sort out your little... dispute."

"I don't want to sort things out with him." She grumbled childishly.

Suna rolled his eyes at (Y/N)'s stubbornness. He had a feeling that things would end up working out just fine between the two. He grinned to himself, neither Atsumu or (Y/N) were aware of just how similar they were to each other, and it was only a matter of time before they both discovered that.


Atsumu was already seated at a table when (Y/N) entered the library. She cautiously approached him and sat down across from him, laying her notes down on the tabletop. She began to silently work, not even bothering to look up at him. Time passed without a word and Atsumu started to fidget his hands and appeared as if he wanted to say something.

"Spit it out." (Y/N) said flatly.

"Well, I think we need to actually talk to each other if we want this project to be successful." He finally said.

She just raised an eyebrow.

Atsumu was prideful and apologies didn't always come naturally to him, but with (Y/N) he knew the first thing to do now was apologize for what he had said before.

"(Y/N), I'm really sorry for all of the things I said to you the other day."

"Atsumu." She said with an exasperated tone, making a great effort to suppress her anger, "In the moment, you didn't even give me a chance to explain myself, as if you already had your heart set to believe I was a bad person. I just don't understand you sometimes."

"I know. I was just so blinded by anger I wasn't thinking straight."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Please (Y/N), how can I make it up to you?" He pleaded, almost desperately.

'What am I even doing?' He thought to himself. Atsumu, the handsome and popular second-year, was anything but desperate. He had no idea what it was about (Y/N) that made him act this way, but all he knew was that he wanted to see her smile again.

"You can make it up to me by leaving me alone. You've already made my life hard enough."

"C'mon, I can treat you to dinner or something."

The sound of dinner caught (Y/N)'s attention, if there was something she couldn't resist, it would be food. But she immediately brushed that thought to the side, there was absolutely no way she would go out for dinner with Ass-tsumu.

"No thanks."

Well, at least he had tried. They both returned to their work, and thankfully, (Y/N) and Atsumu were able to exchange small conversations on the project. (Y/N) had become completely focused, writing intensely as the ideas flowed from her mind onto the paper. Suddenly her pencil lead snapped. Annoyed, she reached for something else to write with, but found there were no more pencils in her bag. She groaned in frustration and leaned back in her seat, glancing up at a shuffling sound across the table.

Held in Atsumu's outstretched hand was a sharp, new pencil. She hesitantly picked it out of his palm, muttering a quiet thanks. His golden-brown eyes shone in the light, something she hadn't noticed before. (Y/N) quickly looked back down, she wanted to avoid making unnecessary eye contact with the asshole.

They finished up their work just in time for Atsumu's volleyball practice to start. (Y/N) swiftly stood up, clutched her belongings, and walked towards the door, leaving Atsumu still packing up at the table.

"Wait! Are you coming to watch practice?" He called out to her.

"No. I'm busy with... stuff at home." She lied, not wanting to spend any more time in the same room as him.

She hurried out, making her way home down the busy street. She was relieved that her time with Atsumu today did not end in a fit of anger, which she had honestly expected from herself. He actually had acted quite nicely towards her, and it seemed as if he regretted what he had said. Maybe this project wouldn't be that bad.

She continued on her train of thought. She was still curious about what Akari was holding against him. Was it some information about his past? Or did he do something bad? Whatever it was, Atsumu didn't want anybody to find out, which only made (Y/N) more interested.

(Y/N) arrived home and got herself settled in, watching her show for the rest of the day. After dinner she packed a small bag with her volleyball gear, preparing for tomorrow, where she could finally return to the court for some individual practice

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