Chapter 23

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Atsumu wanted to just spill everything to her, but he knew there would be consequences if Akari found out he had told anyone.

"Atsumu, it's clear that she's causing you a lot of trouble so please, let me help you out." (Y/N) reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I already said, I can't tell you." He sighed, "And even if I did, you wouldn't be able to help. It's my problem that I have to deal with on my own." They held each other's gaze until (Y/N) let go of his shoulder.

"Okay." She turned away from him and returned to her spot on the floor.

Within half an hour, the two of them had wrapped things up with their project and said goodbye to each other. On (Y/N)'s walk home, she thought about the events of this weekend. She felt surprisingly fulfilled, she had not expected to have so much enjoyment in the company of Atsumu. It was fun playing volleyball, getting ice cream, having a pillow fight, and even doing schoolwork with him.

Though they had definitely started off on the wrong foot, she could now recognize that he was really a good guy. He had made his fair share of mistakes that had ended up hurting (Y/N) in one way or the other, but she now realized that behind it all, it was mostly Akari's fault.

That bitch was causing everyone, especially Atsumu, so much trouble. (Y/N) wished she could help Atsumu get rid of Akari, since it would save both of them from all of the torment. The thought of this issue bugged her all the way home. 'I'm going to help fix this.' She promised herself.


It was Monday morning and (Y/N) was just about to leave for school. She swung the front door open to see Kita standing on the sidewalk in front of her house, waiting for her.

"Oh hey Kita-San!" She approached him with a smile.

"Good morning." He nodded politely at her and they began their walk to school.

They held a light conversation, but (Y/N) noticed that Kita seemed a bit distracted. He was speaking to her, yet his mind appeared to be elsewhere.

After some time, he stopped in his tracks, facing (Y/N) with a serious look, "Why have you been spending time with Atsumu lately? Since you moved to Inarizaki, he's been nothing but trouble for you."

"Well," She paused briefly, "I know we may not have gotten along at first, but I think I'm starting to understand him a little better and it turns out he's not the jerk I expected him to be."

"I see." Kita exhaled deeply then continued, "I've played volleyball with Atsumu for almost two years now and I've learned he's an admirable person and a hard worker. Just... keep in mind that he can be unpredictable. I don't want you getting hurt by him again."

"Kita," (Y/N) stared at him, astonished by his words "I-I really appreciate that you're looking out for me." She leaned over happily and gave him a quick hug.

Kita put his hand up to his face, hiding the blush that had appeared on his face.

"But I want to let you know I won't get hurt, I'm pretty strong." (Y/N) gave him a wink and swiveled around, resuming the walk to school.

They arrived at Inarizaki earlier than usual and went their separate ways. (Y/N) decided that with the extra time, she could go grab a snack from the vending machine. She approached one near the gym, but to her disappointment, found that it was sold out of the drink she wanted. Thankfully, she remembered that the vending machine upstairs would likely have what she was looking for. She sped through the fairly empty halls and entered the stairwell. She was about to take a step up, but stopped at the sound of hushed voices further up the flight of stairs. She silently poked her head around the corner to see Akari standing and giggling with another girl from their class. (Y/N) didn't want to have to go past Akari since it would probably end up in some sort of unnecessary confrontation. She turned to leave the stairwell and find another place to go upstairs, but stopped, her ears perking up at the sound of something Akari had just said.

"It's so ridiculous." Akari snorted with laughter, "I've got him wrapped around my little finger, he's even taking me out on a date tomorrow."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, and she leaned in so she could hear better. They were talking about Atsumu.

"On a date with one of the Miya twins? How did you do it?" The other girl asked in amazement.

"Well, I asked him and he couldn't say no! As long as I have that video of him, I can make him do whatever I want. It would completely ruin his reputation if I decided to send it out to everyone." Akari bragged.

Video? So that was why Atsumu could never say no to the psycho-bitch. (Y/N) could feel the anger rising inside of her chest.

"Can I see?" The other girl begged.

"Nope." Akari smirked.

(Y/N) softly stepped back, then slipped out of the stairwell, breathing a sigh of relief, feeling lucky she hadn't been caught eavesdropping again. She checked the time, there were still 10 minutes left until class started.

She completely forgot about buying her drink and rushed towards her classroom. Fortunately, Suna was sitting at his desk playing on his phone while he waited for class to begin. She snatched his arm and pulled him out into the hallway.

"What's going on? Why do you look so frantic?" He questioned.

(Y/N) described to him everything she had just heard from Akari. By the face he was making, she could tell he was very unsettled by this information.

"Do you have any idea what the video could be of?" She asked, hoping that he knew.

"No clue."

The hallway was slowly becoming more crowded, and (Y/N) suddenly spotted a flash of blond hair. Atsumu was strolling leisurely towards the classroom. (Y/N) moved towards him, but Suna held her back.

"Don't tell him you know." He whispered sharply, "He's going to freak out and make things more complicated if you do. We'll figure something out."

"Hey guys." Atsumu waved, then looked at them in confusion, "Are you two ok?" seeing the unnerved expressions lingering on (Y/N) and Suna's faces.

"Haha we're fine." She laughed nervously. She could tell Atsumu wasn't convinced but to her relief, the bell rang and they entered the classroom.

After they seated themselves and class started, Suna slid a note onto her desk. 'Let's meet on the rooftop at lunch to discuss. Also, bring Osamu.'

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