Chapter 21

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The trio entered the store, the refreshing air conditioning flooded over their bodies and (Y/N) nearly sighed in relief. Atsumu and Sousuke made a beeline towards the freezer that held the ice cream and popsicles, (Y/N) followed a few feet behind them. Atsumu slid the freezer door open and pulled out a popsicle so bright yellow that it looked radioactive.

"You plan on eating that? It looks so artificial that I wouldn't be surprised if it poisoned you." (Y/N) grimaced at his frozen treat.

"YUM! I want one of those!" Sousuke marvelled at Atsumu's popsicle, then reached in and snatched the same one.

"You're such a great influence." (Y/N) whispered to Atsumu sarcastically.

She selected a mint chocolate chip ice cream bar and handed it to the blond-haired boy, who walked up to the counter and paid.

They left the store, enjoying their cold desserts. The plan was to walk Sousuke back to the park where his older sister was supposed to pick him up soon. He had made Atsumu and (Y/N) pinky promise that they would come back next Saturday to continue practicing with him.

As they turned the corner, nearing the park, a tall boy walking in front of them caught (Y/N)'s eye. His head was turned so that she couldn't see his face but he had unmistakable silver hair with black tips. Atsumu also noticed and called out towards him.


Kita stopped in his tracks and swiveled around to see a strange sight. (Y/N)... walking with Atsumu... and what was this little boy doing with them? Why was (Y/N) spending time with someone who she didn't get along with?

"Hi..." He said uncertainly, "What are you guys doing?"

"Just hanging out together and getting some treats." Atsumu answered, his mouth full of radioactive popsicle.

"Really? (Y/N), I thought you didn't like Atsumu, he's a jerk to you." Kita said bluntly.

(Y/N) began to speak but Atsumu interrupted, "We've made up and now we're friends." He said, wrapping his arm around (Y/N) and ruffling her hair.

Kita gave him a skeptical look, he didn't like how closely Atsumu was holding (Y/N). He still didn't understand why she had decided to spend time with the blond twin, but in the end, it wasn't his business to pry. He tried to ignore the small feeling of jealousy tugging at the back of his mind.

"That's nice." He said with a nod, "I'm heading home now, it was nice seeing you."

(Y/N) waved goodbye as Kita crossed the street and made his way in the other direction.

They arrived at the park and bid farewell to Sousuke, who went to find his older sister. (Y/N) finished the last bite of her ice cream bar and tossed it into the trash can.

For a moment, (Y/N) and Astumu stood in silence.

"Thanks for paying." She spoke in a low voice.

"No worries. I should be thanking you for accepting my apology." He said softly. "Anyways, I'll let you get going. I won't run you home this time, but mark my words, in the future I'm going to make you my running buddy. See you tomorrow!"

With that, they parted ways, both jogging in opposite directions.


(Y/N) returned home and enjoyed a nice, cold shower. Once finished, she threw on a pair of baggy shorts and an oversized shirt. With her towel wrapped around her neck, she made her way downstairs and seated herself on the couch across from the television. She flipped through the various channels until she found what she was looking for.

The captain of the Japan men's national volleyball team was being interviewed by a reporter who looked miniature in comparison to him. (Y/N) cursed to herself realizing this was a post-game interview and she had just missed the actual game. She was about to change the channel again but suddenly stopped, catching a part of the conversation.

"And how exactly has the team prepared for the upcoming home game in Japan against Korea?" The reporter asked.

(Y/N) felt a pit in her stomach. Osamu had filled her in on why Atsumu had gotten so mad about the tickets Akari had framed her for stealing. He had bought the tickets for this Japan versus Korea game. They must have meant a lot to him, especially since they were so expensive and were probably hard for him to get his hands on.

She now sympathized for him a little more and could see why he had acted without thinking when blaming (Y/N) for taking them. Yes, he should have let her explain herself, but in the moment he was likely too distraught to care. Maybe she had been too harsh on him when he had tried to apologize at first.

"Well thank you for your time here." The reporter concluded the interview and a commercial started playing.

(Y/N) buried her face in the couch cushions and let out a deep sigh. She should probably message Atsumu to see what time they were going to work on the project. She flipped onto her back and pulled out her phone from the pocket of her shorts. She sent him a quick message asking about tomorrow. (Y/N) had begun to put her phone down when she heard the sound of a notification. Wow, he really answered fast.

Atsumu: Come by around 2. I'll make sure Osamu makes us some study snacks cuz we can't work on empty stomachs ;)

(Y/N) liked the sound of Osamu's cooking, maybe he would even make them some onigiris. To her surprise, she found herself feeling eager for tomorrow.


Sunday rolled around in no time and (Y/N) stood at her closet, debating on what to wear. After too much time of contemplating, she ended up putting on the black jeans Koharu had bought for her along with a hoodie.

(Y/N) filled her bag with her English books and slung it over her shoulder. It was 1:25pm, so she figured that if she left the house in five minutes, it would give her just enough time to walk to Osamu and Atsumu's house. (Y/N) threw her hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs, where her mother eyed her from the kitchen.

"Where are you going sweetie?"

"Just to a classmate's house to work on a project." (Y/N) responded as she slipped on her shoes.

"Okay, just be back before dinner." Her mother called as (Y/N) closed the front door.

After beginning her walk towards Atsumu's house, she found herself lost in thought. She made her way down the streets almost completely zoned out. In no time, (Y/N) arrived in front of the house, not realizing how quickly the walk had seemed to fly by.

She tapped in the door and within seconds, it flew open to reveal Atsumu, his damp, blond hair sticking up in every direction.

"What happened to you?" (Y/N) questioned with a smirk.

"I just got out of the shower and noticed it was almost 2, so I rushed downstairs. Sorry if my hair is a bit messy." He apologized. He let (Y/N) inside and shook his head to let his wild hair settle into its regular position.

(Y/N) removed her shoes, then caught a whiff of something delicious cooking in the kitchen. As if in a trance, she stepped toward the smell. (Y/N) poked her head into the kitchen, Atsumu following closely behind.

Osamu stood at the counter rolling up a batch of onigiris. Onigiris.

(Y/N) sprung forward and made an attempt to swipe one of the rice balls. Before she could reach, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and pick her up. She struggled but was no match for Atsumu, who was holding her tightly to his chest.

"No (Y/N)." He playfully scolded her, "They're not ready yet. Jeez, you've got to control your hunger."

"Lemme gooo." She squealed while Osamu watched with a small smile on his face.

"Nope, you're coming with me to do our project. We'll eat later." He said, dragging (Y/N) towards the stairs as she looked longingly at the food.

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