Chapter 22

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They entered Atsumu's room, which was slightly further down the hall than Osamu's. The bedroom was quite simple, except for one wall covered in posters and photos. Looking closer, (Y/N) noticed that many of them were volleyball posters. As well, there were photographs stuck to the wall with tape, most of them of Atsumu and his teammates throughout the years. She eyed one near the bottom, it was of Atsumu and Osamu in the backyard as toddlers. Neither had their signature dyed hair so they looked completely identical, but it was obvious to (Y/N) which one was which. One had their mouth stuffed with watermelon and wore an expressionless face, definitely Osamu. Atsumu was standing slightly in front of him, hands covered in dirt, dangling a worm cheerfully towards the camera.

"I'm not surprised you were a gross kid." She grinned at him, pointing to the photograph.

"Huh? That's not me, it's obviously Osamu." He whined, clearly lying.

"Even as a child, Osamu would not get himself that dirty and still be smiling."

"Fine. You got me there." He dropped into his desk chair in defeat, "Let's get started, we need to be productive for at least an hour. You need me to pull up another chair?" He asked, motioning to the space beside him at his desk.

"Nah, I'll just work on the floor." (Y/N) dumped out the contents of her bag onto the ground.

Surprisingly, they managed to work together peacefully for over 45 minutes. During that time, they collaborated on ideas and their project was beginning to come together very successfully. (Y/N) had assumed that there was no way that she could work well with Atsumu of all people, but it turned out that their minds actually worked in very similar ways. Though (Y/N) was much better at English than him, he still managed to put in a lot of effort and contribute equally as much work as her.

(Y/N) was getting restless so she slowly picked herself off the ground, stretched, then flopped onto Atsumu's bed.

"Just what do you think you're doing? Get your ass off my bed and get back to work." He complained jokingly .

"Don't wanna." She shot back.

"For God's sake (Y/N)." Atsumu rolled his eyes, "Don't make me-" The rest of his sentence was muffled by a pillow thrown at his face.

"Too bad." She said triumphantly.

Atsumu stood up from his desk and picked up the pillow, smiling wickedly at (Y/N), "That was a big mistake. Picking a pillow fight with me is a death wish."

He lunged towards the bed and swung the pillow towards her, but (Y/N) was quick and rolled away. She dove underneath the covers to dodge another swing from Atsumu. He hopped onto the bed and pulled off the sheets, whacking (Y/N) in the back with the pillow. He went in to hit her again, but this time she grabbed a hold of fabric.

Now they were caught in a full on tug-of-war over control of the pillow. (Y/N) pulled with all her strength but Atsumu was significantly stronger. He yanked it hard towards him but (Y/N) refused to let go, sending her toppling on top him. She had him pinned to the bed in a position that would normally be very awkward, but that was the last thing on her mind. She just wanted that pillow.

They wrestled for possession of it, this time Astumu flipping (Y/N) so that he was now on top of her. (Y/N) saw an opportunity to snatch the pillow and brought her knee up to his stomach and winded him, but this caused him to lose balance. He fell on top of her, his body pressed over hers. (Y/N) could feel his hot breath on her neck as he tried to recover from having the air knocked out of him.

"That's twice this weekend." He chucked quietly, remembering that she had hit him in the stomach with the ball yesterday.

Atsumu finally caught his breath and he began to lift himself off of (Y/N) when a voice from across the room called, "Am I interrupting something?"

Osamu stood in the bedroom doorway with an eyebrow raised. (Y/N) and Atsumu shot upright and stared at the grey-haired twin wordlessly, realizing what their pillow fight may have looked like to Osamu.

"NO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT." (Y/N) yelped in panic. "We were having a pillow fight." She continued, grabbing the pillow which lay to the side, and shoved it in Atsumu's face once again.

"Ok..." Osamu said sceptically, "Food is ready if you want to come downstairs."

(Y/N) jumped off the bed and headed downstairs towards the food. Atsumu didn't move at first, he just watched her leave and smiled to himself. He had felt so close to her a few moments ago and he couldn't help but feel fluttering in his chest.

'No, it's not because of her, it's just adrenaline.' He convinced himself, standing up and following (Y/N) down to the kitchen.

(Y/N) was seated at the table with Osamu, digging into the onigiris and chatting about volleyball. They looked up when Atsumu entered.

"Hurry up slowpoke. If you take too long, this fatass is gonna eat all the food." Osamu pointed at (Y/N), who had her mouth full.

"Hmfffghh." She tried to retort but failed.

Atsumu seated himself with them and laughed, "(Y/N) you look like a chipmunk."

She took a second to chew and swallow, then shot the twins each a look, "Stop being bullies and let me eat in peace." She grumbled indignantly.

"N-" Astumu began but was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing.

He pulled it out of his pocket and groaned. It was Akari.

"Sorry, I gotta take this." Atsumu stood up and stepped into the hall to answer the call.

(Y/N) and Osamu exchanged looks, they were thinking the same thing. Together they crept towards the hallway and listened from around the corner.

Atsumu answered the phone, slowly pacing back and forth, "Hi Akari." There was a slight tone of annoyance in his voice.

Luckily, Akari's voice was loud even over the phone, which allowed (Y/N) and Osamu to eavesdrop on both sides of the conversation.

"Heyy. I heard your volleyball practice on Tuesday is supposed to end earlier than usual. So here's the plan, you're gonna take me out on a dinner date that night!" Akari giggled.

Atsumu paused for a moment, then said flatly, "Um no thanks."

(Y/N) heard Akari's tone immediately change hostile, "Atsumu. That wasn't a question. You ARE taking me out Tuesday night, or else..."

Atsumu grimaced, "Fine."

Hidden behind the corner, Osamu scrunched up his face. He didn't understand why his brother was such a pushover when it came to Akari. It was so unlike the typical Atsumu. (Y/N) poked him, signalling for them to go back to the table so that they wouldn't get caught.

A minute or so later, Atsumu returned as well, seeing his brother and (Y/N) sitting at the table, innocently eating their onigiris.

(Y/N) looked up, and in a clueless voice asked, "Who was that?"

"Oh, just a friend. It's nothing important." Atsumu responded, his voice slightly strained.

They finished all of the food and cleaned up. (Y/N) accompanied Atsumu back upstairs and continued their project. As they worked, she tried to act cheerful and keep the atmosphere lighthearted but Atsumu's mood didn't waver. She could tell he was bothered and was easily able to pick up on the subtle things he did to show it, such as the decrease in his usual attitude, as well as lack of motivation to do his work.

(Y/N) stood up, walked over towards Atsumu, and sat on the edge of the desk facing him. She finally spoke up, "Ok, what's wrong?" She knew what had happened over the phone but wondered if Atsumu would willingly open up to her about it. Maybe he would even reveal more of his problem with Akari.

"I told you before, there's nothing wrong. I'm just hanging out with Akari in a couple days." He replied.

"I'm not stupid. You wanted to be friends with me, and now I'm your friend, so tell me why it's bugging you and I'm here to listen. It's so obvious you don't want to spend time with her." She looked intensely into his dark brown eyes.

"I- Arghh." He buried his face in his hands in frustration, "I can't tell you."

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