Chapter 11

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'What the hell was Akari doing here!?'

As if reading (Y/N)'s mind, Akari smirked, "Atsumu was kind enough to invite me over today. Though, I probably wouldn't have come if I had known you freaks would be here."

The idea of throwing a ball at Akari flashed through (Y/N)'s mind. If worse came to worst, that would always be an available option.

Atsumu appeared behind Akari and (Y/N) scowled at him menacingly. No matter what manipulation Akari could have used on him, he could have easily made up an excuse to avoid bringing her over to his house.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked with a curious look on his face.

"We're about to play some volleyball." Osamu answered.

"LAME. Let's go to your room Atsumu." Akari walked back inside, pulling him along with her. He looked back longingly at the court, but didn't argue.

"Atsumu sure has a weird taste in friends." Koharu said with a sour look.

"Whatever." (Y/N) sighed, "As long as she doesn't bother us it doesn't matter."

And so the games began, the group playing two on two beach style volleyball. The games would be to 15 points, with one person sitting out each match since there were five people playing. As well, they would switch partners every match, just to keep things entertaining.

(Y/N) was paired up with Suna the first round, their opponents being Osamu and Koharu. She realized that this was the first time any of her friends had seen her play before, and she didn't want to screw up.

Koharu served the ball lightly and (Y/N) immediately shuffled forward, passing the ball effortlessly. Suna put his hands up and set the ball to the left side.

(Y/N) had not jumped in a while, but was pleasantly surprised when she leaped and soared through the air. Osamu raised his big hands up to block her spike.

At the peak of her jump, things seemed to move in slow motion and (Y/N) pinpointed the spot she was aiming for. She swung her arm and slammed the ball down the line.

She landed and looked down, flexing her wrist in front of her to feel for any pain. To her delight, it felt completely normal.

Looking back up, her friends gaped at her in silence. Kita, who was sitting on the side, had his mouth hanging open. He had never in his life seen a girl jump so high and hit the ball with such power and accuracy.

"Is something wrong? What's with the staring?" (Y/N) asked in confusion.

"How did you do that?" Koharu finally said, breaking the silence.

"Do what?"

"Do THAT." Koharu tried to mimic (Y/N)'s spike, but failed miserably.

Suna nodded in agreement, "Where did you learn to hit the ball so powerfully?"

"I-I don't know." (Y/N) stuttered, "I just swing my hardest and that's it."

'If you're gonna hit it, hit it until it breaks.' Oikawa's voice echoed in her head. Though (Y/N) had often ignored the foolish things that came out of Oikawa's mouth, that one phrase had stuck with her throughout her time as a first-year at Seijoh.

After the initial shock caused by the discovery of (Y/N)'s skills, the match continued. (Y/N) and Suna won by a landslide, mostly because Koharu could barely pass a volleyball.

(Y/N)'s second partner was Kita. This time the competition was tougher, with their opponents being Suna and Osamu. The match bounced back and forth between points, and the score was tied 14-14. It was (Y/N)'s serve and she backed up behind the line, scanning the other side to locate a spot to aim at. She rolled her wrist around a few times, it felt good. Maybe it was time to take things up a notch.

Instead of a regular standing serve, (Y/N) tossed the ball high in the air. She approached it and jumped, feeling her hand contact the ball perfectly and precisely. It shot forwards and landed right between Suna and Osamu.

"Wow! Incredible serve (Y/N)." Kita said, turning around.

(Y/N) blushed and thanked him.

It was now 15-14 for (Y/N)'s team and she took a deep breath, all they needed was one more point since they had to win by two. She tossed the ball and served again, though this time not as accurately. It went straight to Osamu and he easily passed it up to Suna, who set it back to the grey-haired twin. He spiked it hard but Kita managed to receive it. The rally went on for what seemed like ages, neither team hesitating in the slightest.

"One-touch!" Kita called as Suna hit the block. The ball flew high and far outside the court, (Y/N) chasing after it. She dove and swung her arms under it, skidding in the grass and getting a faceful of dirt. The ball soared back towards the other team, Suna putting his arms out to bump it. But unexpectedly, the ball fell short and hit the net, dribbling forward and landing a few feet in front of Suna.

(Y/N) sat up in the grass, streaks of dirt on her face. For a moment, she and Kita stared at each other in disbelief, then they burst out cheering.

From inside his room, Atsumu glanced out of his window from his desk to see (Y/N) and Kita celebrating. She ran and jumped on top of Kita, tackling him to the ground. Atsumu felt a twinge in his stomach, not exactly sure why though.

"Akari, do you actually want to do something?" He complained.

Akari, who was sitting on his bed preoccupied with her phone, answered, "Like what?"

"Maybe go outside or do something active?"

"Ew no. Physical activity is not my thing."

She set her phone down and looked around Atsumu's room, "Your bedroom is a mess you should really clean u- What are these?" She suddenly asked.

Akari pointed at the pair of tickets sitting on Atsumu's bedside table.

"Oh those? They're tickets to see a national team volleyball match in a few weeks. Team Japan versus Korea. They were so expensive and I spent over half of my savings to buy them." He explained.

"They're for volleyball? Atsumu, if you're gonna blow half your savings on some tickets, at least buy some good concert tickets, not a stupid volleyball match." She said dryly.

"It's too late now." He sighed, really wishing he had made an excuse rather than allowing Akari to come over.

A thought popped into Akari's head and a wicked smile appeared on her face, "You know what? I'd actually like to go outside, maybe we can see what your brother and his friends are up to."

Happy to get out of his cramped room, Atsumu got up and walked to the door, unaware that Akari had slid the tickets into her back pocket.

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