Beautifully withered flowers

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Jin woke up cuddled together in bed with jungkook. Tears from the previous night staining the younger's face. Jin tried to get up and out of bed but Jungkook's grip was too tight. Jin had to physically detach himself from the clingy younger alpha.

He got up and walked to his mate sleeping on the couch and kissed him good morning. He missed jungkook so much. To be able to hold the young one in his arm after so long was exhilarating.

It had been years since he last cooked for jungkook, so he decided he was gonna make blueberry pancakes that jungkook loved the most.

Just as he was about to walk into the kitchen. His phone rang. It said that Hoseok was calling.

"Hello" jin said first, Hoseok took a deep breath and began "Hyung I'm gonna need you to prepare two rooms in the mansion. Jimin and Byeol are in the plane with me, we're gonna land in about an hour and it'll take us another hour to reach home" Seokjin was left dumbfounded, if what he heard is right then Jimin and the baby are gonna come home, after five long years they're gonna be home.
"W-wait Hobi are you serious? Because if this is a joke, i will nail you to the nearest wall" he stutters at first but then gains his voice back immediately. "Hyung, i would never joke about something like this. You also can't tell Jungkook that Jimin and Byeol are coming with me or he will majorly freak out" Jin's eyes widen as wide as saucers upon hearing it. "W-hat! Jungkook said that you will come back alone! Didn't you hear him when he said that? He didn't want them to come unless they wanted to. You didn't kidnap then did you? TELL ME YOU DID NOT KIDNAP THEM! Jung Hoseok i will ki-" he's cut off by Hoseok shouting "HYUNG! I did not kidnap them, c'mon who do you think i am. Jimin agreed to come."

"He agreed to come? Are you sure? A 100 percent sure. You didn't force him into anything? Because if you did, trust me Jungkook will rip your head off of your neck!"
Hoseok took a deep breath in "Hyung you need to trust me on this, he came because he wants to and you can't tell jungkook yet he has to see on his own and hear it on his own or he will do something he'll regret. So please just for once do as I say" Jin sighs deeply and says okay while nodding his head.
"Okay thanks hyung! We'll be there in 2 hours. Bye! Love you"
"Okay Love you too. Be careful"

In the private jet, Hoseok turned to Jimin, who was sitting beside Taehyung and Byeol was sound asleep on the seat behind them. Hoseok was still livid with Taehyung. His boyfriend had been continuously lying ti him for 5 years straight. He honestly had no idea what will become of theor relationship, but the one thing he does know for sure is that Taehyung had lost his trust for good.

Jimin looked at Hoseok worriedly "He doesn't know im coming. Why?" Taehyung looked at him with those same questioning eyes. "If he comes to know that I convinced you to come before he sees you, he will not let this plane land. He won't let you come to him. He wants you to come on your own and of he knows that it's because of me, not only will he send you back but he will kill me. If he sees you with his own eyes, i know that he will reconsider and he won't send you back once he meets his pup. It his twisted way of punishing himself" Jimin nodded his head, because he understood. He looked back to check on Byeol and then turned back around to say "Hyung, I need you to know that, me going back doesn't mean I'm going back to him. I am doing this for Byeol. He deserves a family, a father and everything else in life. I was blinded then, with the love I had for him, i forgave him for everything but now, i know the kind of man he was to me, He will be a great father, i know that in my heart but he will never be worthy of me, i have learnt these past 5 years that i deserve better. I hope you understand and he does too because if you don't i will go away again. You will not stop me if he crosses the line. This time around you will all have to protect me from him, wether you want to or not, wether you like it or not." Right when he finished talking, Taehyung took a hold of his hand. "Jimin, I'll have you know right now. You will either move back into your old apartment or you will move in with me. I will NOT allow you to stay with him. Once Byeol is accustomed to all of them, he can have him on some days and you can have him on other days, like civilised unmated parents. If you go against this, you will never, ever hear me say anything to you. Its your choi-" Jimin interrupted "Tae! I hear you, I never planned on staying with them. You know I don't feel safe around them, no offence Hobi Hyung. Im not stupid like i was Tae. I have conditions that all of them will HAVE to follow or they wont know Byeol so much as have him near them. I am not walking into this blindly and i need you to trust me on that."
Hoseok's eyes got wider and wider as the conversation progressed "But Jimin! He needs you, to get better, to forgive himself!" Jimin's head sprung to the Alpha's direction "Hyung! I told you! I'm not going back to or for him. This is for Byeol and I'm sure that Byeol is all Jungkook needs too. Its his pup too, I never lied to myself about that fact. He is Byeol's father! and that's all he means to me as well, the father of my pup. You don't like where I'm going with this then turn the plane back around because this time around, I will be incharge of my life. It is not my job to make him feel better about himself! Its my job to provide a family for my pup and I'm doing that. If any of you try to control me or my decisions, I swear to god, not only will I go and take Byeol with me, I will make sure to destroy each and every one of your lives like you did mine. I hope I've made myself crystal fucking clear!" Hoseok visibly flinched, Despite him being an Alpha he could feel the threat, radiating off of Jimin, he meant every word he was saying. "THAT'S MY BABY!" Taehyung shouted on top of his lungs which earned a slap by Jimin and Byeol shook awake. "Mom?" Jimin got up from his seat and went to pick up his baby. "I'm right here." Byeol nuzzled his nose into his mother's neck and scented him. "Mom where are we going?" Jimin thought for a second, he had to make up a good enough excuse for so suddenly uprooting Byeol from his life in Germany. "We're gonna meet your family" "But you're my family mom and TaeTae. You always say that" Jimin smiled at his smart little pup "Of course we are baby, but you have a big family apart from us two. You have 5 uncles, and a cousin brother and you also have.." Jimin stopped and reconsidered telling the child about his father, but it was for the best he thought. "You also have your Alpha, Your father" jimin waited for a reaction. "But mom you said that dad was away and wouldn't be back for a long long time" Hoseok looked at both of them and back at Taehyung. Taehyung conveyed lightly that jimin had never lied to Byeol about having a father. "I know baby, it was important to stay away but now we can go back. Your dad loves you a lot" Byeol brightly smiled with his bunny teeth "yayyyy! I have an alpha too! I have a dad and uncles and a brother!" "Okay mister now lets go back to sleep okay? how about mama naps with you too. We'll cuddle up in your fuzzy blanket"
Byeol nodded. Jimin and Byeol went a little farther to the back where there was a little bed and cuddled up together as planned.

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