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Jimin and Jungkook came back to the mansion and decided to stay for a bit and then leave for the clinic. Jungkook was still very if-y about all of this. He had learnt not to trust people. All his life people had betrayed him left and right. People close to him. But this doctor was a stranger to him.
Jimin knew it was bothering Jungkook. He could hear it all the time.
Jimin sat next to Jungkook on the bed and held his hand. "It's going to be okay. she's just trying to help" kook knew that but he still couldn't trust it.
"I know but what if she has other motives Jimin. We'll figure something out. Just give birth at the hospital I'll see to it that every doctor that knows about you will stay shut" Jimin's grip tightened. "I can't Jungkook. If there's even the slightest chance that my baby isn't safe then I don't want to take it"

It's not just the baby I'm worried about. I think I love you. I can't lose you both

Jimin heard it. Loud and clear. It was as if Jungkook was shouting it in his mind.
Jungkook was cut off by a pair of lips on his.
His eyes went wide. Jimin was kissing him. Jungkook held the omegas shoulder and pulled him off. "What are you doing" he was confused and baffled. "What does it look like? I" Jimin took a pause before he continued. He contemplated whether or not he wanted to say the words that he was thinking and then he stopped. He realised there's no point in hiding.
"I think I'm falling for you" Jungkook could've sworn his heart jumped out of his chest and fell to Jimin's feet. He thought he was dreaming. But the look on Jimin's face made it all real. Jimin said it again while slowly caressing jungkook's face. Jungkook couldn't hold back anymore. He leaned in and kissed Jimin. It was a gentle soft kiss that conveyed all their feelings for each other. Jungkook gripped Jimin's waist and pulled him into his lap and they continued kissing. Jimin had his hands roaming in jungkook's hair and Jungkook kept caressing Jimin's sides and belly. It was beautiful and memorable for both of them.
They parted and looked into each other's eyes. They didn't need words. It was all there in that gaze. All the feelings laid for the other to see. Raw and beautiful feelings.
It really dawned upon them after the kiss, just how much they feel for each other. It was unexpected for both of them. Mostly for Jimin because if you'd have asked Jimin 3 months ago. He'd be ready to rip the alpha to shreds but he's here right now. In the arms of the same alpha feeling safer than ever.
They stayed like that for a while before they knew they had to leave.
Jungkook couldn't say anything to anybody about this. Not even the hyungs. Not because he doesn't trust them. Jungkook trusts them with his life but he doesn't want to take chances of someone saying something in front of anybody. He had told everyone that they were taking a little trip to Busan to get to know each other better. Everyone bought it. There was nothing to be suspicious about.
Jungkook and Jimin got in the car and Jungkook drove. He put in the address of the clinic. It was silent so far. A comfortable silence. Jungkook's hand on Jimin's thigh. Caressing it to ease both his and Jimin's nervousness. They had no idea what they were walking into. No security. No plan B. This was a reckless decision but it had to be done for the pup. As Jungkook was distracted by Jimin he didn't notice when 3 cars pulled up behind him. But when he did he sped up. Enough to not scare Jimin. "Stay calm ok!" Jungkook instructed to jimin who in return nodded. Jungkook kept trying to outrun the cars but he couldn't. They stuck to his tail. At one point he was in the middle of all 3 cars and when these cars stopped he had no choice but to stop as well or else he would crash into the car in front and that would put Jimin at risk.
"Don't step out no matter what ok?" Jimin wanted to say something but before he could, Jungkook had stepped out of the car. Jimin was scared shitless.
When Jungkook stepped outside there were about 10 men. "What do you want?" Jungkook stayed confident. He too was scared to his wits but he couldn't show it. "Out boss has requested your presence" one of the men stepped forward. "Who might that be?" Jungkook knew there were a lot of people that would give anything to have his head on a platter but nobody was stupid enough to even try. He had his suspicions about one Kang Jin Soo
That bastard just crossed a big line
Jungkook was fuming. You could smell it on him. "Down boy!" the same mad said again. "We have orders to get you both there in one piece. So don't try to fight us. I don't want to breach orders" Jungkook scoffed at his cockiness.


Jungkook was shocked he turned to see that Jimin was still in the car but why did he just feel like he heard Jimin say his name as if he was right beside him.

"Jungkook I know you can hear me. Just... I'll explain everything later. But do what they say. I texted Tae already. He'll inform the hyungs. I have a chip on me remember. You had it put inside my arm after the whole incident. They'll find us. Don't resist it. I don't want you to get hurt. Let's go with them."

Jungkook was taken aback. How the hell could he hear the omega in such clarity.

Jungkook, please....

"Ok, we'll go. Let's see which bastard came out to play hm." Jungkook said as he fixed his cuff links. The men looked at each other confused. They were convinced that the strong alpha wouldn't go without a fight but they were too stupid to ponder upon it more. Their work had just gotten easier.
Jungkook opened the door to Jimin's side and took his hand to escort him to the vehicle they are supposed to go in. Before that the men searched Jungkook. They took his phone. His watch and any other accessories that could possibly have a tracker. Then they searched Jimin. It was obvious that all these men were either alphas or betas and when they touched Jimin. The alpha growled. He could see the man's hand roaming over Jimin and it didn't settle well with him.

Jungkook don't

Amused by the alphas reaction the man wanted to tease more so he purposely groped Jimin's thighs and ass while supposedly "checking him" only Jungkook knew how he was holding back. He memorised the sleezers face in order to cut his arms off later. Jimin's phone was taken and his rings and when they reached Jimin's neck the mad touched Jimin's breasts, slightly swollen due to the pregnancy and pressed them with a disgusting smirk on his face. It drove Jungkook nuts. He broke free of the men that were holding him and stride towards the bastard that dared to touch Jimin. Jungkook took no time. He took the mans throat in his hand and crushed it in one go. Hard enough that his body fell away from the neck. It was horrifying to watch really. Jimin would've liked any other time but this time he wanted it to happen. The other men were taken aback but not surprised. Any alpha that feels that someone is violating his mate or possible mate has full right to accept the challenge and the consequences in most cases is death. "Well, he had it coming. Now, let's get on with what we came here to do shall we" the alleged leader spoke again. Jungkook once again fixes his short and hair and effortlessly took Jimin and sat inside the car. It was normal for him to kill. It didn't matter to him. He enjoyed it but today was another level of enjoyment. He thought in his mind

No one touches what's mine

Jimin heard this and blushed. It was NOT the time for flirting but Jimin couldn't help it. "I am yours? I didn't see you make a claim!" Jimin said with a knowing smile on his face. Jungkook once again astound. "How did you know what I've said" Jimin smirked. "I've been hearing you think for the past month Guk. You truly have a magnificent imagination I must say" Jimin loved teasing.

Of course, at this moment they had no idea that the next few hours were going to change everything. It was the calm before the storm.

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