The not so Grand Escape

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everything was already planned out I just had to somehow distract the 2 guards at the back door so I can skip out. Everyone was already asleep. I tip toed my way there with just a little bag that one pair of clothes and my medicines and some snacks. My pup is always hungry. I don't know if it's normal but I've already started to show a little and I'm only 2 months along. Normally it's supposed to be 4-5 months. I can worry about that later but right now I need to get my head straight and do something about the guards.
They were both really bulky and strong if I get caught I might be dead before I know it.
I couldn't think of anything and I was also running out of time.
I quickly looked around for anything I could use to distract them. My eyes landed on the little storage room in the corner. I quietly went in there and looked around again. I saw some really heavy stuff so I got an idea. I gathered all my strength and pushed a big barrel and it fell. Making a loud smoggy voice. I could hear those guards approaching so I ran out the back door of the room and ran through the back gate. I ran a little further until I saw a black van in a little distance.
I reached there and tried to bath her my breath. I feel so heavy these days. Could one pup weigh this much. I'm sure I'm gonna have a chubby little pup.
Someone rolled down the window and of course it was Tae. I hopped and he drove.
"You okay there bud?" Tae asked me and I nodded because I was short of breath due to all the running.
I felt his hand on my belly "and how's our little pup huh". Just then I felt something in my stomach. "TAEEEEEE!!!! the pup kicked!!!" the tires screeched and i turned to Tae. He almost was tearing up. "oh my god tae stop it's not that deep"
I tried to calm him down. He's such a baby.
"shut up and let me have my moment meanie" he flicked my head. "ow! you have your moment later idiot now drive! we don't have much time, the flights in 3 hours I need to check in". I glared at him. "Oh yeah yes yeah sure" he fumbled.
He started driving again and soon we reached the airport. Tae hugged me real tight and cried in my shoulder told me that he'd miss me a lot and said sorry because he can't go in with me. He handed me a duffle bag which had my disguise and a fake passport. "I reallllyyy hope this works TAE, cuz I don't know what I'd do if it doesn't"
[sorry I just got done watching endgame😅]
"Don't worry boo, it's a full proof plan. I'm 101% sure it's gonna work" .
"I hope so too Tae"
With that we said our goodbyes and said I love you to each other and wept like two years old. It's not like I'm never gonna meet him again but for the last 10 years I haven't been away from this goofball except for my tours. It feels weird but I gotta do what I gotta do for my pup.
I walked away and found a public washroom to go change in. I had a black hat on and a face mask that covered everything on my face except my eyes. I went in the bathroom stall and opened the bag and took em out. It was fake beard, moustache and round glasses with a fairly large suit. With a alpha scented perfume. Although I don't think that's work because my body size is way too small for an alpha but I still put it on anyway.
(Just go along with it, I couldn't find anything else😓)
I wore the disguise and stepped out.


He looked in the mirror and thought that he looked fine and that nobody would recognise him. He confidently walked out of the bathroom and went into the airport. He walked to the boarding section and looked up and was shocked to see that his flight had been delayed 2 hours. He was panicking completely. He called himself down and checked in. His insides were a mess. He couldn't stop thinking about what ifs. "what if I'm too late" "what if he finds out" "what if he killed my pup".
He sat himself down at one of the waiting stations. He had a whole 3 hours before he could board the flight and he hoped nothing went wrong.
He waited and waited for 30 minutes and then I had to pee. He could swear that he's been peeing too much because of the pregnancy. He made his way there relieved himself and went back out. He could feel his stomach growling so he went to the nearest food stall and orders food and ate in silence. If people saw him they'd think he's a pig. He's been eating so much food lately he can't believe it himself but can't help himself either. He wants his pup to be strong and healthy when it comes. He went back to waiting and soon after he had to take a dump.


"Ughhhhhh" I mentally growled when I lightly slapped my belly. "pup why are you doing this to mommy. Just let me sit in peace". I got up again and went to the bathroom. I got done with my business and walked to the sink to wash my hand

"Well. Well. Well. Who do we have here. Looks like the bitch tried to run huh?"

The voice alone made my body shiver. I went cold. I didn't wanna look up. I closed my eyes "please please please this is a dream this is a dream, I'm hallucinating it can't happen. It was a full proof plan" I said to myself because if it weren't a dream I wont be alive for much longer.

"Look up here whore"

I felt my body turn and be pinned to a wall. All this while I had my eyes closed. Because if I opened them, it wouldn't be a dream and oh how I wish it was.

"Open your goddamn eyes before I do something right now"

The authority in that voice was intense. My eyes acted without my permission and opened themselves.
Only to find a pair of brooding eyes filled with nothing but anger.

There he was, Jungkook. The father of my child and who'd soon be the one that I die at the hand of. His grip on my neck tightened. My mouth opened with gasps for air. "J-j-jungk-k-ook st-o-o-op"
His grip loosened and then I felt him grip my arm very tight and then everything brushed passed.and before I knew it I was in a car with jungkook with my hands and moth tied up.
"God please don't let him get my pup" I thought to myself as I kept shouting with my muffled voice.

Mom dad I'll see you soon😭
I'm reallllllyyyyy very sorry for what's about to happen next😓
But yeah I'm back for good. Enjoy my book and guys thank you sooooooooo much for 1000 reads❤️

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