Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"You've been here for two years?" I asked, shocked. Kade nodded in response.

"Yes. Testing began quickly after we arrived on Earth. To say your government officials hid the truth from humans would be an understatement. It truly is amazing how many of your people will blindly believe what they are told without even questioning it. We didn't arrive quietly."

I stared at him with wide eyes as I listened.

"The government covered up our arrival and promised to set up a program immediately to assist us in finding a way to preserve our kind. During negotiations, they attempted to forcibly take several of our officials for their own experiments. It was then that we showed them exactly what they were dealing with, and your president agreed to help us solely to avoid a war with our kind. They knew the outcome if it came down to that."

He looked away thoughtfully as he considered his next words.

"It has been over two years now and Kiehiri still attempts to show me the kind of lover she could be to me. The kind of ruler she could be for Nauria. I tried to convince my father to remove her from the classes you will be attending, but my father doesn't want to hurt his relationship with her father in doing so."

I could feel the subtle change in energy within my body as Kade gave me a mischievous smile. "Your eyes have changed colour once more, Princess. Someone feeling a little territorial?"

I growled. "Kiehiri better be aware that I sometimes set things, and people on fire." Although if it were to happen to her, I was sure it wouldn't be an accident this time.

Kade laughed lowly, shaking his head in amusement at my anger. "I will make sure that they're all trembling at the mere mention of your name, Emily."

I shrugged. "Don't worry about it, I can do that myself." I gave him a coy smile, knowing full well I would have no problem handling his little ex on my own. If one good thing happened to my personality since this had all started, it was that my confidence had grown, and I really didn't give a crap about what anyone thought of me as long as I liked who I was.

"Who knows, maybe we'll be friends." My voice oozed sarcasm, but hey, if she was a decent person maybe I'd give her a shot. Kade's response, however made me wonder if going to school here would be the bane of my existence after all.

He all but snorted, shaking his head slightly. "I will be sure to give you a gold medal if that happens." He sobered up as he gazed at me. "If you have any issues, you tell me immediately. I will not, nor will my father, stand for any disrespect for the future Queen of Nauria, or my mate in general." I could see the concern on his face as he gazed at me. As if he was worried that I would pack up and leave at the first sign of trouble. As if I hadn't been shot for him. I wanted to roll my eyes at his reluctance to believe that I had made up my mind.

"I didn't mind school before. I'm sure I'll be fine." I smiled, despite the nerves that were slowly creeping up on me, causing a heavy pit in my stomach. I was more than capable of handling a jealous ex girlfriend. Totally.

Don't doubt yourself now, Emily. I reassured myself.

"Well, you said we had today to ourselves before I start my training with Magda tomorrow. Can we go to the observatory that you took me to before?" I asked him, having a sudden yearning to experience it again. Which was weird, considering my fear of space and all.

"Are we ever able to leave this ship? I don't know how you've done it being cooped up here for so long." I knew my face was currently set in a pout, but it was unfair for anyone to expect living beings to never go outside. One could only breathe recycled air for so long.

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