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A/n: Hi everyone this story was inspired by MAZE_CRAZED's book "If I Ever Acted With Orlando Bloom" Best.Story.Ever. Really hilarious. So I suggest you go read that. I'm not copying anything of hers or any other human's ideas. I just like this style of writing, and I like my characters awkward, loud, funny, weird, crazy, clueless, and just plain old annoying. Kinda like me. :) I hope you enjoy. Peace out. :D

Somewhere in New Zealand, the cast of LOTR are lounging around in a trailer reading over their lines

Orlando: *phone vibrates.*

Elijah: who is it?

Orlando: *checks cell* *grins* It's our wonderful director P.J *answers* yello?

Director: Hey Orlando, it's Peter.

Orlando: Hiya Pete what's up?

Director: Your all not to busy to come over to the set for a sec do ya? I want to introduce you all to a good friend of mine.

Orlando: *looks at everyone. Some people are sleeping, or reading, while the rest of the cast are having a slurpy drinking contest. * ....Uh I'm sure we won't miss much. We'll come over. Sounds great.

Director: Perfect thanks.

Orlando: See you soon. *hangs up*

Billy: *drinks some slurpee and burps* Woah.... So what was that all about?

Orlando: *slips phone into pocket* Peter wants everyone to the set. He has someone he wants us to meet.

Billy: *drinks more* *gasps* ahhh bwain fweeze!!!!

Elijah: *Cackles* Sweet let's goooo. *gets up*

Orlando: *stops him* Woah woah woah. By everyone, I mean everyone.

Elijah: *Looks at everyone* *groans* Most of them are out cold.

Billy: *falls to ground* Somwon welp wi'm dwying!!!!!!!!!

Orlando: *sighs* Fine.... Uhhh... Elijah, Sean(Astin), let's just go without em. Maybe Pete won't mind...

They walk out

Director: Hey fellas! *waves*

Orlando, Sean, Elijah: Hey P.J! *walks over*

Director: *cocks eyebrow* Where-

Orlando: Yeah about that, *lies* everyone else.... Is really busy....

Director: Ha that's quite alright. Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet my friend's daughter. *waves her over.*

Tara: *walks over slurping a lemonade* Yeah Petey?

Director: I'd like you to meet your new cast mates.

Tara: *spittakes* Wait what? But I'm not I the mov- *turns to see Orlando, Elijah and Sean.* *jaw drops* Oh...... My....... Go-

Director: *chuckles * Boys, this is Tara. Tara, Orlando, Sean, and Elijah.

Boys: *smiles* -Hi. -Ello -Hey.

Tara: *chokes* I.... This is- Woah........ *falls down*

If She Ever Met Orlando Bloom [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now