Lilac's First Day Back

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Lilac's POV

"I can't wait to go back to school," Lilac said in her normal voice, except it sounded like a whisper to because she was half mute.

"I know you can't," Sea said. Lilac was grateful for Sea. Even though she hasn't returned to school yet, Sea's been really helpful. Sea helps Lilac around the hospital, gives her food, entertains her. 

"What's wrong?" Lilac said.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just .. .. . . . the music's too loud," Sea said.

"Anyway . . . I'm not going to see my friends that much, am I?" Lilac said sadly.

"You will. You have the same schedule, with the same teachers, with the same classmates. It's just that you will be seeing the nurse before school, after every period, for all of lunch, and a little after school. And then the hospital car, which isn't an ambulance, will come pick us up," Sea told her.

"So I won't be eating lunch with my friends?" Lilac said.

"For the first few weeks. But then they can eat lunch with you in the nurse's." Sea said.

"Ok," lilac said glumly. She'd been looking forward for a normal school year. During her trip to New York, she was being homeschooled and all she wanted was to go to school with her friends. And now, she can barely even do that.

Sea pushed her down the ramp of the hospital car, and up the ramp into the nurse's office.

To Lilac's and Sea's surprise, Lilac's whole winglet was standing by the nurse's. 

"Hi guys," Lilac said.

Moon hugged Lilac lightly.

"Hey Sea. Are you joining the winglet?" Kinkajou asked, bouncing up and down. Lilac could tell it took a lot of willpower to keep herself from hugging Lilac too tight.

"Not really. I'm not doing any studying while I'm here. After Lilac's dropped off at the hospital after school, I go to jade to pick up my work," Sea replied.

"Oh," Kinkajou said.

And with that, Sea pushed Lilac into the nurse's offuce.

----Turtle's POV----

Sea pushed lilac into the nurse's and then collapsed in a chair outside.

Turtle sat next to her. 

"You ok?" Turtle asked.

"Yeah, sure. Let's say that," Sea replied.

Turtle chuckled. "You sure?" 

"Let's say that," Sea said again.

"Do you like to swim?" Turtle asked.

"I love too!! but I haven't swam in so long," Sea said.

"I'm back," Lilac sang from the doorway. 

"Let's go," Sea said, getting up. She smiled at Turtle before pushing Lilac down the hall.


word count: 421

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