The classroom was overflowing with other students going in opposite directions, attempting to get seats alongside their friends. The walls were filled with pictures of memorable historic moments and Blizzard World posters. One thing that stood out was a large poster in the back of the classroom shaped as a globe and within it, multiple pictures of national parks and students by a campfire. In the front was the instructor's desk, a shade of chestnut and full of Blizzard World merchandise such as figurines and a board that displayed pins he had collected over the years.

Our desks were triangular in shape and a shade of gray. They looked easy to maneuver due to the wheels attached on the legs of the desk and fairly new with no signs of major damage. They were arranged in groups of 6, all facing each other and fitting perfectly like pieces in a puzzle - very clever design.

Kimberly and I were able to obtain seats where the poster was, with no other students joining us. Kimberly's ecstatic expression shone more with every passing student "I guess it'll be just the two of us." She had spoken too soon. A man who wore an open flannel with a black shirt and jeans had sat in our group, on the desk right across from Kimberly and I. His brown hair was pulled back into a scruffy ponytail that reached no further past his neck. His long bangs parted down the middle, falling to his temples with some strands obstructing his soft brown eyes.

  "Heya, name's Jesse."

"Greetings Jesse. My name is Lucas."

That name felt foreign and yet so familiar in my mouth. He was so similar to Jesse - his choice of clothing, his accent, and even his name. But there were many students who tried to impersonate a cowboy and a lot of males named Jesse - He could be any of them. I quickly withdrew from my thoughts once the bell rang for the final time and the classroom fell silent. The instructor introduced himself as Mr. Freeman. He was wearing a blue polo and tan slacks that were accompanied with a black belt. On his face, he wore full-rimmed glasses and short bouffant hair that exposed a large forehead. He began to take attendance on his tablet and saying everyone's names aloud.


"Present sir."

Once he was finished with attendance, he passed out a packet that revealed what we would be focusing on this year and what materials would be needed for this class. I was not surprised to see paper; after all from the looks of this classroom, he was an old fashioned man. I handed one to Jesse, But he just kept staring at me with his mouth slightly agape - how foolish. I crinkled my nose in disgust and began repeatedly shoving the paper at him until he finally came back to reality. If I could, my dragons would have consumed him. I looked away and put my focus from him towards the teacher.

Before I knew it, the bell had signaled the end of class and students were crowding the doors of the classroom. Kimberly grabbed me by my sleeve once again and began shoving people to accompany the both of us through the exit. "Get back!" she shouted.

Although I did not like being grabbed so unexpectedly and violently, I had to applaud her for getting me out of the classroom swiftly. It was as if she had read my thoughts because she replied shortly after.

"Sorry, I don't wanna be late for my next class. It's PE."

"It is fine Kimberly."

"Why do you always sound so formal? Give yourself a break."

I rolled my eyes at her and she responded with a short chuckle and a playful shove.

"Aw come on Lucas, you know I'm kidding."

We engaged in a short conversation before Kimberly left for her PE class.


second chance ~ a mchanzo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now