Chapter 53: Honeymoon

Start from the beginning

We were heading off to our honeymoon with the little time we had. We were going to a private beach in Japan.

A Few Hours Later

Michael covered my mouth while I yawned. "Gotta cover that stinky mouth of yours." He hummed before I pinched his side, tickling him. "S-stop!" His giggles made everyone's head turn for his smile could light up the darkest cave.

"Makin fun of my breaf!" I said in a husky voice while crossing my arms. I pouted my lips. His giggles turned into cackles.

"You're so silly." His soft voice hummed as the turbulence rocked the plane. His eyes went wide "The dragons are coming!" He stared out the window. "Oh Turd look!" He grabbed my head and shoved it towards the window. "We are here we are here we are here!" He chanted.

The bright white sand flowed against the torquise clear water. What a beautiful spot for a honeymoon. Eventually the plane came to a stop behind a small airport. The hot air blew through my hair, little specks of sweat beginning to form. It was quite an adjustment of the cold Russian air that practically bit at your skin to the humid sticky air that had it melting instead.

"Wanna bet we see any mermaids?" He gripped my hand as we walked down the stairs to the pavement ground.

"What color will their tails be?"

"Mmm" He pondered while we walked inside the cool small airport. "Purple, but they will sparkle too."

"I bet one will be orange and pink." I said while Michael covered his face with the mask again.

"Two colors?! Over achiever..." He hummed making me giggle.

Eventually we made our way to the home we would be staying in. It was a small shack. It had a simple clean white bedroom, a small kitchen, and a living area that had a large window looking out on to the beach. Our bags sat on the prestine white and blue flowered bedding of the king sized bed. I looked through the window to watch the waves crash together, the image of the tropical trees drifting in the wind.

I felt Michaels hands crawl across my waist, pulling me close to him. His head rested on my shoulder while his arms squeezed my torso. "It's magic." He whispered.

"No mermaids so far." I turned around to hug close to him. Closing my eyes while I tucked my head beneath his. "I think I'm gonna take a nap, it's been a long day." I kissed his cheek before walking back to the bedroom. I laid on the cool comforter, the sound of the water from the ocean drifting me to sleep.


While Penny was taking a nap I decided to set up a romantic spot for us on the beach. It began to get a bit darker so it was a perfect time to go swimming, for my skin condition made my skin extra sensitive to the sun rays. I set out a red picnic blanket on the soft white sand. I put a glass of white wine in a cooler and set it by the blanket along with two wine glasses. I usually didn't drink but today called for a small celebration.

Everyday I became more and more thankful for everything Penny brought to my life. She was always so understanding. She understands why I feel anxious around adults and that's why I'm always friends with kids, and how I always want to be doing child like things. Luckily she is able to relate to me so we can always do the most fun activities together. She understands that my career may not allow me to be with her 24/7 but she still is able to give me all the love in the world. Not only that but she is so comforting when I need some kind words. Her love for me shines in her eyes, I feel safe around her. And of course, she wants to give me the gift of children. The best gift in the whole world. So I wanted to show my appreciation everyday of my life starting today.

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