Chapter 16: College

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"Michael, can I stay with you for the next couple of days?" We were still in the car, but by the look on my mothers face I didn't want to have to face her tonight.

"Of course Penny, but I think you should talk to your mom. At least before your dad figures out where we are." Michael said quietly squeezing my arm. It was about 5 pm, still bright outside. I figured I better talk to her now before it gets dark or else I wouldn't want to talk to her at all.  "Baby go." Michael told me.

I nodded and stepped out of the car, my body still aching from last nights events. That was my first time and Michael didn't seem to hold back. My mother tapped her foot impatiently on the porch. "Mom, before you say anything i-"

"Oh shut up. I know your dad has been a dick, it's fine. But I'm not happy about you just leaving. Especially with a kid I barely know, who it's obvious you had sex with while you were gone, and partied at studio 54. Why in the hell would you go there?!" She snapped at me.

I huffed, "Mom we left studio 54 not too long after we got there, Michael didn't want to stay around. We had security everywhere, it was safe." I defended myself.

"Just tell me you used protection."

I understood why my mom was so scared about that part, she had gotten pregnant far too young and didn't want me to go through the same thing. But of course, we didn't use protection. So I didn't answer, I stared to my feet and felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Oh my baby. I'm not mad. Just disappointed." Which was even worse. "Why wouldn't you use protection? I taught you better." She wiped my tears away.

"Michael forgot." I squeaked.

"Did he really? Or does he want you to get pregnant?"

"Mom no, he's not like that. He was planning on getting me a pregnancy test and hiding out with me for awhile before dad had to ruin everything. It really just slipped his mind. I promise."

"Okay, well we will take care of everything tomorrow. Come inside baby." She grabbed my arm.

"No mom."

She looked puzzled "What?"

"I'm staying with Michael."

She shook her head. "What did I do Penny, honestly?"

I had to think for a minute because I really wasn't sure if she did anything. "Mom, you didn't do anything. Really. It's just that I don't want to be in the same house that dad sleeps in right now. He really messed things up mom. Let me stay with Michael, please."

She nodded and left a kiss on my head before heading back inside. I honestly didn't know why I had complained about her before. She was always there for me, and maybe she was childish but she was also so understanding. I think I was the problem. I was stubborn and always wanted something from her that I didn't actually want. If that makes sense.

I stepped into Michaels home and walked to his room. There he was, lying on his bed almost asleep. "Baby" I whispered and squeezed his Afro in the palm of my hand. He glanced up and I kissed him on his nose.

"Yours mother's mad?"

"Nope. She was actually understanding. But she knows we slept together."

His face scrunched up. "Does she know you could be," he gestured his hand over his stomach. I giggled and nodded. "Oh gosh. Penny I really can't believe it slipped my mind."

"Michael don't worry about it, we will get through it together." I kissed his lips and sat on the bed, beside him.

"Penny you're so beautiful. You should think about being a model." He said to me.

"Michael I think you're insane." I said matter of fact.

"I think that a beauty like you would look great on the front cover of ever fashion magazine in every country. Plus I would love to be able to see your face all the time." He kissed my jaw and squeezed my waist. My bags were in his room so I decided to put some pajamas on. But my eyes trailed to the boots I wore to studio 54. I ran my hand over the silver sparkles and saw a business card poking out of the boot. It was for a modeling agency. How the hell did Michael just read the future.

"Michael can you see into the future?" I flicked the card in between my fingers.

"No silly."

"Because there's a card for a modeling agency in my boot. Probably from the club. Look here Wilhemina Models. Created by a Dutch woman in 1967. Located in New York City. " I raised my eyebrows and passed it to Michael.

"There's a number. You want to call it?"

"Right now?"

"No in ten years. Yes right now come on!"

"Michael I would rather snuggle right now. I need some tender love and care." I laid next to him and wrapped my arms around his lean body.

"Mm, tender love and care. I like that. Has a bit of rhythm to it almost. Tender love and care, TLC." He whispered in my ear.

"Michael we need to talk about college."

"Noo baby. I can't do it." Michael whined.

"Michael if I go to college for four years, what are you gonna do. Because I know for a fact you're going to be making best selling albums."

"Baby I can't think about it right now."

"Michael we have to."

"I. Don't. Want. To." He said raising his voice.

"Michael I don't think I can be away from you for four years."

"Penny shut up."

"Michael don't be so oblivious to the fact that this relationship isn't going to last." I was shocked at what came out of my mouth.

Michael looked to me while his chin quivered "How could you say that?" He whispered.

"Michael that's not what I-"

"No. You want to break up with me?"

"Michael no! God no. I just, ugh! I just feel like if I go to college for four years, we can see each other over summer. But I'm not oblivious to the fact that you will be surrounded by beautiful woman who want to marry you and are always going to be... well, up your ass. That's just how show business is. You go to events, see a beautiful woman, take her home and-"

"Would you shut up Penny. Do you not understand my feelings for you at all? I wouldn't do that. I'm not going to sleep around. You were my first Penny, and I want you to be my last."

"What if you meet someone who's better than me?"

"Baby I could never meet someone better than you. You are the best, simply put. You're goofy, passionate, caring, smart, absolutely stunning. There is no one who could take your place." He ran his fingers through my hair and squeezed my body closer. "And like you said this morning, if we do fall apart because of college or whatever, we will always float back to each other. Because we love each other."

I nodded and kissed his soft lips.

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