Chapter 7: Apple Pie

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It was 10 a.m. and Penny still hadn't stopped by yet. I couldn't wait any longer.

I ran outside in hopes of me seeing her through her window. But I couldn't. I decided to sneak in.

Walking through the gate I was careful not to make too much noise. I observed the side of the house and thought I should be able to climb up the wall due to the panels and decorations along it.

I had reached her window and I saw her reading. She was dressed too. Why didn't she come to say hi?


I was startled to hear a knock on my window. But happy to see it was Michael. I opened the window and pulled him inside.

"Hey girl. I missed you."

"I missed you too." I gave him a hug.

"I was hoping to see you walking through the gate but never did." He looked disappointed.

"Oh uh. I'm sorry Michael but I had just started one of the books I got and couldn't set it down."

He giggled and hugged me again. We sat on the bed with each other a moment and were happy to be with each other. His presence making my day much better.

"Let's play some music."

He searched through my records and pulled out ELOs Eldorado. "Nice." I heard him say.

The music started to play and he began to dance around. I had almost forgotten he could dance. He's very talented.

"You're really good at that."

He stopped to look at me "Good at what?"

"Dancing." What'd he think I meant?

"Oh thank you." His smile lot up the room as a responded. "By the way my whole family is over today and I would like you to meet them. Especially my mother."

I nodded "That sounds great. How many siblings do you have again?"

"Eight. Three sisters, five brothers."

As I raised my eyebrows I walked toward my bedroom door.

"Where ya going?" He asked.

"To meet your family! What'd you think I was doing?"

"I don't know. Leaving me."

"I will never just leave you Michael. Besides you're in my house." I giggled as he frowned and jogged towards me.

My mother stopped us before we could leave. Thank god it was her and not my dad.

"You must be Michael!" She spoke, her smile inviting him.

"Yes I am, it's nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're Penny's mother?"

"You are correct. Wow you really are handsome. Penny has been telling me all about you." No I haven't. I haven't spoke to my mother at all about him.

"Oh gee. Thank you Mrs. Scorsese." He responded. I could tell he was getting a bit shy.

She reached her hand out to his "Please call me Lisa." She said while batting her eyes. Was she trying to flirt with him?

"Okay mom I'm going to hang out with Michael today. Let's go." I hurriedly took Michaels hand and rushed out of the house into his yard.

"Your mom is nice." I glared at him.

"And she wants to get in your pants too."

His eyes widened at me as he shook his head. "Are you jealous of your own mother?"

"Jealous? Are you a blind? She was practically melting when you shook her hand. She's not used to being around famous people."

"But your dad is rather well known."

"My dad doesn't let my mother do anything. He's so protective of us. Although I'm sure it's just all a lie." Michael frowned and pulled me inside his large, clean home.

The sun was shining through the large windows and the smell of pie was roaming through the house. I could see a tiny woman in the kitchen. "Is that your mother?" I whisper to Michael.

"Yeah come on." He tugged me into the kitchen " Mother! Look who I brought!"

She gracefully turned around with a bright smile on her face. "You must be Penny." She spoke softly. "It's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Jackson." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Would you like a slice of pie? You and Michael can eat in the yard if you'd like."

"That's sounds great mother." Michael smiled and cut into the apple pie. He handed me a plate with a large slice that was oozing with cinnamon and apple filling. It smelled delicious.

We wandered outside and sat on a small wooden bench in the yard.

"Where are your siblings?" I questioned while playing with the food on my plate.

"They are probably swimming or with the animals. It is awfully hot. We should go for a swim today! Do you have a bathing suit?" He said excitedly.

"Yeah I packed a couple. I would love to swim. We don't do a lot of that in New York." I was expecting my heart to sink when thinking of New York. But it didn't. I think I was fairly happy in California with Michael. He was kind to me, made me laugh, and the weather was always nice. California isn't so bad after all.

Hellooooo everyone! In the next chapter Penny makes a brave decision so stay tuned!!

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