Chapter 39: Gardrinol's Orb

Start from the beginning

"Well then," he spoke stiffly. "Why don't you just leave, then? You can take those ungrateful Elder with you and leave behind me and my imperfections."

Fern fell silent and Griffin glanced at her. The dryad's gaze had dropped to the sands.

"Well? Go on. Leave," he said bitterly.

Fern mumbled, "No. I can't."

"Why not?"

Silence again.

"Why can't you leave?" Griffin pressed, growing impatient.

"Because I like you, okay?!" Fern shouted, her gaze shooting back up to lock onto his.

Griffin stared back, speechless. Finally, he turned away. "I don't need you to like me."

The irritation crawling beneath his skin seemed to be controlling his body. He heart was racing, and his hands had curled into fists. Griffin turned back to face Fern, eyes cold. So. Even she has lost faith in me, huh?

"You think my self-esteem is the problem here?" Griffin stabbed a finger back in the direction of camp. "They're the problem! Everyone is prejudicial and stupid and annoying. No one will properly obey me even though everything I do is clearly for their safety."

Fern began to speak, "We don't—"

Griffin interrupted, "Just because I'm a spriggan, doesn't mean I have bad intentions. Or any spriggan for that matter. Katana, Lance, Khopesh, and Shuri are all perfectly good. And yet none of you will give them a proper welcome!"

"We're just being cautious!" Fern argued. "There's something off about them."

Griffin shook his head. "Seriously? How can you be so oblivious?"

"How can you be so oblivious?" Fern shot back. She glared at Griffin, anger coloring her eyes. "This isn't right. None of this is right! You've forgotten your sister, you've forgotten about our friends we left behind, and now you've forgotten about your whole reason for leaving the Master's estate."

Griffin opened his mouth to protest, but Fern silenced him with another glare.

"I'm not finished. You stole that shell from Seamist and probably the other—what did you call them?—Elder Objects too. You also knowingly allowed a murderer to join our band, created an unfair rationing system, and we clearly haven't been traveling to the Land of Green and Gold like you promised your sister."

"Shut up," Griffin growled darkly.

Fern ignored him. "You used to care about others, put their needs before yours, even risking your life to save Elder you'd just met. And now look! You're forcing Elder to stay when they don't want to and nearly killed one of them simply because he questioned your authority and didn't act like you wanted him to. Should I continue? You've—"

"JUST SHUT UP!" Griffin interrupted with a roar.

Fern jumped, finally quiet.

Griffin drew in a deep breath and said in a quieter voice, "I'm the leader. I make the rules and I know what's best. If you don't like that, then get out and risk dying out there all on your own."

Fern stared back at him, lips tight and nostrils flared. Tears blurred her eyes. "I liked you, Griffin. I really did. But now, I'm not so sure."

Fern walked away without another glance back. Griffin sighed and sank down to sit in the sand.

Why is everything so messed up?

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