Chapter 10: Captured

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They reached Glayren late the following night thanks to Sky's directions. Griffin peered through the trees at the small town, taking in the evenly marching rows of human buildings, all small and all made of the same colored-wood, the lack of humans on the deserted streets, and most importantly, the lack of an enclosing wall around the little village.

Griffin turned away from the trees and pointed at Ash. "I would like you to lead a group into Glayren and bring back as much food as you can. Take Solar, Jolt, and Fern with you."

"I didn't say I wanted to go," Jolt immediately spoke up, scowling.

Griffin glared at him. "And I didn't ask if you wanted to. Remember my rules?"

Jolt rolled his eyes and walked over to Ash. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Mr. Leader Sir. Let's go already."

Ash led the phoenix and dryad out onto the open road and the three disappeared. Griffin exhaled slowly, feeling his shoulders relax a bit as if they had been straining to hold up some heavy burden.

The spriggan faced the remaining members of his band. "Everyone else, let's start looking for a clearing near here to set up camp. We'll split into two groups. Celadon, you lead one with Sir, Gilda, Jubilee, and Cyanus and I'll lead the other with Starlight, Pounce, and Night Shade."

"What about the dog?" Starlight questioned.

"Taru stays with me," Night Shade instantly replied.

Taru wagged his bushy, brown tail at the sound of his name.

"Celadon—you take your group to the other side of the human road," Griffin continued. "My group will stay on this side to look for a suitable clearing. Any questions?"

Celadon nodded. "Vat do vee do eef vee find clearing?"

Griffin pointed at Sir. "Send him over to me. Sir should be able to spot my group from the air. We'll do the same with Starlight. Anymore questions?"

Celadon shook his head and no one else offered up any questions.

"Alright. Let's get going then."

Celadon's group left and Griffin led his own set of followers further into the trees. Night Shade strode quietly beside him, Taru trotting loyally at her side. Starlight walked a step or two behind them and Pounce skipped around, in front, behind, in and out of trees, and over precarious piles of boulders, as energetic as always.

Without warning, Griffin slammed face first into what felt like a brick wall. The spriggan stumbled back, hand over his nose which was throbbing with waves of pain. Hot blood trickled between his fingers.

"Are you okay?" Starlight cried out, running to his side.

Griffin retracted his hand, half-expecting his nose to fall off. "Yeah, more or less. I think I might've fractured my nose though."

Starlight drew in closer to inspect his face, causing Griffin's heart to beat a little faster.

"Hmm. Well it's definitely bleeding a lot, but it's not crooked."

Night Shade joined them, fingers gingerly rubbing her forehead.

"You get hit too?" Griffin questioned.

The wisp just shot him a look, arms crossed.

"Right. Stupid question." He cleared his throat and glanced around. "So what was that? I don't really see anything out of the ordinary."

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