Chapter 8: Sky Band

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"Hey! Get off our leader!" Sir bellowed, lunging forward to grab Lucy's shoulders.

"Wait...!" Fern began to say. Night Shade cut her off though as she raced to her leader's side.

"No one touches Griffin!" the wisp snarled in agreement, swiftly binding the female spriggan in bonds of red light once Sir had gotten her off of Griffin.

"You have exactly three seconds to let her go," a new voice intervened.

A sylph with pale blue wings and blond, nearly white, hair strode forward, the band of strangers following close behind. She looked young, perhaps only 12 or 13, but her demeanor suggested that of an adult.

"Let my follower go or we will kill you," the sylph demanded, icily glaring at Night Shade and Sir.

"Wait—there's been a misunderstanding," Griffin said as he got up from the ground. He looked at Night Shade. "Let her go. Fern and I know this Elder."

"You do?" Night Shade and the young sylph asked in surprised unison. The two glared at each other.

Lucy nodded. "Yup! He's my brother, Sky. The one I've been telling you about."

The sylph looked Griffin up and down, arms crossed. "Hm. I suppose he does sort of look like you. Black hair, copper skin. Same face, though his nose is different."

Griffin blinked. "My nose?"

Fern laughed. "I always thought the same thing. Though not in a bad way! I think you have a nice nose. I mean, that sounds really weird. But like, you know..." The dryad trailed off, looking flustered.

Night Shade waved a hand, dissipating the red bindings. Lucy immediately ran back into Griffin's arms, nearly plowing him over again. Griffin bit his lip, using all of his will not to break down into tears and tightly hugged her back, feeling the very-real warmth of his sister pressed up tight against his body.

"I can't believe it's you," he whispered into her rain-drenched hair. Something wet trickled down his cheek but he counted it as the rain. "It's been so long."

The sylph, obviously the leader of the band of young Elder, cleared her throat. Lucy and Griffin looked up at her and loosened themselves from the tight hug but did not let go completely.

"I, uh, think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry I assumed you were attacking one of my members," the sylph said awkwardly, attempting to regain her composure.

"It's okay," Griffin replied, glancing down at his sister, heart soaring. Not even the droning of the rain could dampen his joy. "My members did tie her up, after all."

"Sorry," Sir and Night Shade quickly apologized.

"Let's try this again, shall we? My name is Sky," the sylph introduced. "This is my band, Sky Band."

"Well that's creative," Jolt snorted derisively.

Griffin shot the phoenix a glare then turned to smile politely at Sky. "Please don't pay any heed to that idiot. My name is Griffin. My band is called Moonlight Band."

"Griffin?!? Your name is Griffin now???" Lucy cried out, hugging her brother again in a rush of delight.

Griffin smiled and ruffled her hair fondly. "Yup! I chose that name to remember you."

Lucy beamed happily. "And you're a leader now? That's so cool!"

Griffin nodded, pride swelling in his chest. "Right!"

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