"T-that's not funny!" Izuku shouts still unable to turn around and face what he knows is waiting. "Go away please." He begs out. "Stop this. I can't take it." Izuku's feet fade and solidify causing the boy to shake up and down. He knows why this is happening. The more jumbled his brain and emotions gets the more he looses his human qualities. "I already visited Kacchan. It was a mistake!" Izuku admits. "I'm not a midoriya anymore, I'm dead! Izuku Midoriya died! I'm just izuku now! A shadow of the boy you taunt me with."

His brain is so overwhelmed and confused he's finding it increasingly hard to stay grounded and not disappear into despair.

"You are not re-" Izuku hesitates unsure if he wants to finish the sentence. Would the figures behind him get angry? Would they hurt him? Can they even hurt him?

The two others are still sitting down behind Izuku."Turn around for us Izuku, please?" The red and white haired male asks.

"Come here deku. We missed you. Even if this isn't real, even if you are dreaming come and enjoy this moment With us, your lovers."

This is wrong. He doesn't have lovers anymore. He hasn't got boyfriends. He only called them that in private. He wasn't alive long enough to make is official. They should know that. He needs to get out and wake up. He wants- no needs Aizawa. Only he can help.

"come on love. Don't you want to see us again?" Izuku shakes his head.

"Want 'Zawa..." Izuku croaks out. "Only 'Zawa."

"Izuku! IZUKU!"  The healing lady gets no response. Aizawa had called her when Izuku was still un-responsive after 10 minutes. The hero had rushed here from the school she worked at and immediately set up a temporary area to work in.

"He's loosing us." She states bitterly. Aizawa stands to the side watching in horror as the boy becomes more and more see through. "What's happening? have you got his vitals?" The man desperately asked.

"Izuku? Izuku open your eyes for me." Aizawa calls out gently.

The old lady shakes her head continuing to tap away at a screen.
"He's doing it again." Aizawa says Lower this time.

"Come on, come on." She mutters lowly. "Ah!" She exclaims as the readings pop to life on the screen. She speed reads through them moving her eyes carefully taking in and processing all the information displayed.

Aizawa watches the gibberish on the screen as it changes and flickers. He can't understand it at all so he changed his glance from the screen and then back to the lady. His worries only show more as he watches the doctors face fall further with each line she reads.

"Izuku?" Aizawa asks carefully to the boy. He gets a gibberish response with only some words being clear. "S'okay Kacchan? Not real" Izuku's dreaming, or having a nightmare. The two aren't sure. But continue to watch the boy live out his state. "'Zawa." Izuku whines. The sound makes both adult's hearts break. "He sounds so far gone." Aizawa pointed out. "He is." Recovery girl answered.

Each ping or alarm that goes off showing some other problems caused the two to stress and worry a little bit more. Something too high or something too low. A number that shows up in bold. The increasing amount of bad signs that keep popping up persistently.

It's all taking a toll. Distracting or just plainly making the man wince. Even the old lady had to hold back her cringes at some of the readings.

"This isn't good. The vitals are dropping too low compared to normal." She hurries out. The heroes know full well what's happening.

She isn't prepared. Or wasn't prepared for it. She needed more time. She thought she had more time.

"What does that mean?" Aizawa question staying back out of the way as the lady takes the stickers off the boys chest. He could guess at many thing but he would only believe in one outcome. The worst outcome he can think of.

The only one he'll pray to not come true and play out.

The outcome that's looking more and more probable with each passing second. "It means-" she's cut short as her hand and the remaining stickers fall through the boy. "Not yet." Aizawa whispers.

The two adults glance at each other before the shorter answer. "It means they're waking him up. Whether he wants to or not."

Aizawa can't believe it. He needed more time. "Izuku," he tries one last time. "Please kid." Izuku twitches. "I- wannn need 'zawa." Izuku says broken. "I love hmm."

Aizawa reaches for the boy. Izuku disappears.

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