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Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a life lesson not a life sentence.

day forty: starting life in another world

When Eri woke up the first thing she did was panic. She couldn't feel Izuku next to her. She couldn't hear his heartbeat. Couldn't feel his warmth. In fact she felt very little.

There was a futon of some kind under her and a thin blanket over the top of her. Her head laid on a pillow and she felt the rooms warmth, but it was not her brothers. The girl also felt some sort of pressure on her arms so she's guessing she got injured, when moved to wherever she is.

Eri worked out pretty quickly, that she was not in the safety of her home. And that Izuku was definitely not next to her. Her brain tried to help saying; Maybe father had surprised them. Or taken Izuku away again. Maybe Izuku woke up and is making Eri breakfast?

No matter what she thought they all seemed untrue. Maybe there is a good, reasonable, explanation.

Or then again, maybe there's isn't.

As soon as she had calmed her thoughts new ones started circling in their place. It was like a door opened to a hidden cave deep in her brain.

Strange memories seemed to flood her mind of times when she pretended to be asleep. When you're asleep people usually leave you alone. Sleep can save you.

And a voice tells her not to show any signs of her being awake.
It's just like before, if we stay still we can survive.

Eri was confused by this as she is sure she's never had to deal with this situation before, yet her mind argues that this is just another day of protection. And that she must do what she always does or face the pain and trials of her captors. She was halfway through her thinking when a voice spoke.

"Kid I know your awake your heart rate picked up. You don't have to hide I won't hurt you."

The voice startled her half to death and it's amazing she was able not to flinch. A beep sounds out from next to her and Eri panics knowing she's failed to do what the voice had asked her.

She waits eyes screwed shut for the pain that her mind said would come. Trying not to let her fear overwhelm her. Trying to stay brave she doesn't miss the tears that squeeze through her closed red eyes. There's a few foot steps before a soft sigh. "Hay, it's okay. Sorry I scared you. I'm not going to hurt you. Didn't I already say that?" The voice repeats calmly.

Eri manages a small nod from her position, hoping the person was able to see it. Not knowing if she is allowed to speak or not or even look she stayed still opening her eyes a crack to try and take in her surroundings.

She was met with the sight of clean white walls that had stickers of animals in bright colours stuck to them. There was a a line of numbers that ran up one length of the wall and the lighting was soft.

There was a monitor next to her too, she couldn't understand what it said, but it seemed to play a line moving around and a few numbers. Maybe it was a game like Tomura played at home?

It seemed safe enough, maybe if she could look around she'd find Izuku? With that thought in her head she carefully pushed up, onto her elbows, raising her head to see more. There was a few cabinets, a toy basket, a table, and a seatright next to the bed that had a man sitting in it.

Eri had never seen this man before. The only other she had seen besides her family was her fathers assistant, kurogiri. Was this man another assistant? Was he a babysitter while father was away. Did he know where Izuku was? He was very scruffy looking, nothing like Kurogiri's neat suit and clean personality. If he was a helper kurogiri probably wasn't friends with him.

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