Shirts, Six packs & Sourwolf

Start from the beginning

Did I ever mention that Mr Pale Hale has quite amazing eyes....?

'You want me to what?' Danny asks looking down at Stiles.

'Trace a text.' Stiles says like he's actually asking Danny to lend him a pen.

'I came here to do lab work, that's what lab partners do.' Danny says shaking off his befuddled look.

'And we will, once you've traced the text.'

'And what makes you think I know how?' Danny asks.

'I uh looked up your arrest roast so...' Stiles begins and Danny looks over at me, I raise my hands I surrender.

'Told you he's the crazy one.' I say.

'I was thirteen, they dropped the charges.' Danny says defensively.

'Come on man....Lena?' Stiles looks to me for help and I look up from my book.

'Danny just do it, he's not gonna leave you alone till you do.' I say looking back down at my book again finishing up with my homework.

'No, we're doing lab work.' Danny says with finality dragging another chair closer and sitting down, Stiles sighs irritably. 

'Who's he again?' Danny asks logic over his shoulder at Derek with interest.

'My cousin....Miguel.' Stiles says and I have to try hard to keep the look of amusement from my face as Danny turns to me.

'Is he your brother then?' Danny asks frowning and my eyes widen.

'No no no no no. Different sides of the family.' I say and Danny nods before frowning slightly.

'Is that blood on his shirt?' Danny ask and I almost groan, dammit I should've thought about that.

'No it's ketchup.' I say sarcastically because honestly sarcasm is my back up for everything.

'Yeah, yes. Well you see he gets these horrible nose bleeds.' Stiles says whilst shooting me a look as if to say thank you for all the help Lena, so I just flash him a smirk.

'Hey Miguel, I said you could borrow one of my shirts. ' Stiles says and gestures to his closet with, a slightly pissed looking Derek closes the book he was holding and gives it to me before walking over to Stiles's closet removing his shirt.

Please believe me when I I say I tried I really really tried not to stare, but it's impossible not to. The guy's like an eye magnet, I shirtless six packed hot eye magnet.

'Uh Stiles?' Derek says and Stiles turns around.

' fit.' Derek says annoyed whilst tugging on the shirt.

'Then try something else on.' Stiles says also annoyed, and Derek glares at him.

'Lena please help the incompetent sourwolf.'  Stiles says sighing and I smirk getting up from the bed and waking to the dresser rummaging through Stiles's things.

'What about this?' I ask smirking handing him a blue and orange striped shirt.

'Yeah I'll wear that if I want to go to a gay parade.' Derek grumbles and I'm still trying not to eye him up and down, trust me it's hard not to.

'Oh go get a therapist to whine to and just put the shirt on.' I say rolling my eyes, I seriously want him to put a shirt on because otherwise I know I'll eventually cave and stare at his gold physique and I have a reputation to up hold so...

'Hey, that one looks pretty good, What do you think Danny?' Stiles asks and I can see that Danny is basically blushing.

'huh?' He asks awkwardly.

'The shirt.' Stiles says and I can practically feel Derek's urge to strangle my cousin radiating off of him.

'It''s not really his colour.' Danny says and Derek sighs annoyed taking the shirt off and I turn back to the dresser searching for a bigger shirt. I hand him a few but they're all too small and too tight.

'Stiles! None of these fit!' Derek yells and Danny stares at him for a few seconds before co-operating.

'Well to be fair it's not Stiles's fault that you have like a godly physique.' I say trying to find a larger shirt remembering Stiles likes to sleep in oversized shirts so I go to his sleeping drawer.

'Oh so you do like what you see?' Derek asks smirking.

'Well I guess you could say your muscles and abs is a redeeming factor.' I say smirking and Derek rolls his eyes. I throw a shirt over to him a satisfied smirk making it's way onto my face when the shirt actually fits.

'There.' Danny says and Derek and I walk over to look at the computer.

'The text was sent form a computer. This one.' Danny says and my eyebrows furrow as I read who sent the text.

'Registered to this account name?' Derek asks.

'No no no no no this can' be right.' Stiles says.

'Well there's only one way to find out, I straighten up getting ready to leave and I glance at the computer once again before leaving, reading the name.

Melissa McCall.

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