Chapter Forty-One: Magical Beast

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It's been a while! Sorry that I haven't updated in a few weeks, life happened. I will be back to updating every/ every other day like before. I hope you enjoy! :)

After I admitted to not having a plan, Charles stood silently for a minute, his eyes locked onto the beast. At first, I thought he was panicking, but then he turned towards me with a determined grin.

"Callista, I know you have your own reasons for keeping it quiet. However, I am going to have to ask you to assist me with your life mana now."

"You knew?"

"Yes, but don't worry. I won't tell anyone, even my parents."

"Thanks." I nodded, grateful. Charles was brilliant, so I was certain that he would figure out that I had the ability to manipulate life mana at some point. However, I didn't think that he had known for a while now.

"So, if your plan involves life mana, then what do I need to do?" I asked,

"How high can you jump?" He asked, his eyes sparkling. Charles was in his element. Even though the boy was generally calm and gentle, he was a master of war strategy. In this world, there was a game similar to chess, and no matter who played him, Charles would always win. He may not look it, but with a mind like his, Charles was one of the most dangerous people in the kingdom.

"I haven't tested it officially, but I made it about three stories high last winter."

"That's more than enough. Okay Callista, when I say so, jump straight up. It doesn't look like the beast is able to maneuver it's head or turn easily, the more we are out of sight, the better the chance we have at defeating it. Then, when you get an opening, aim for the breaks in the stone on the back of it's neck, that's where it should be the most vulnerable." He explained, pulling up his sleeves. As Charles told me his plan, I used one of my swords to cut my dress so that it reached my knees. There was no way I could fight with such a long and thick skirt.

"Okay, on my mark- "Charles breathed, bending his knees a little. I followed his lead, anxiously awaiting his signal. The beast was running towards us, the tremors following each step making it hard to stand. 

"Now!" Charles shouted. The two of us shot into the air, Charles propelling himself with wind while I channeled mana into my legs. The magical beast stopped rampaging, confused by our sudden disappearance. We took that moment to strike.

Charles created a spear out of air mana and plunged it into the beast's neck, while I used my flaming swords to create a few shallow wounds. After our attacks the beast stopped moving, and for a moment, I thought we had managed to subdue it. However, after a few seconds, an enraged roar escaped the beast's jaws as it used it's rock armor to launch us off of it's back.

I let out a shout as my body shot towards the ground, struggling to channel life mana as I spun through the air. Luckily, as I debated which side I would land on, Charles had used his wind magic to propel himself towards me and took me into his arms, landing us gently on the ground.

"Did we manage to do anything other than piss it off?" I yelled, struggling to balance as the beast sent even stronger tremor's through the earth in a fit of rage.

"I think we did some damage, but we won't be able to defeat it as long as it is protected by it's armor." Charles grimaced.

"Is there anyway we can get rid of the armor?" I asked, catching Charles as he lost his balance.

"It seems like the beast uses it's armor as both offense and defense. So, we need to get it to attack us first."

I took a moment to think about his words before an idea popped into my head.

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