Chapter Eight: Epidemic

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Before entering the ship, I decided it would be best to meet the guard squad I had requested be sent to the harbor. If my assumptions were correct, I wouldn't be able to leave the ship until we cured everyone of the virus, and that would take a few weeks at least.

The symptoms Serge described were very similar to what was known as influenza in my past life. However, since vaccines had been developed in that world, it was not nearly as fatal as it would be if it were to spread here.

"Lady Sylvester!"

I looked to where my name had been called to see a squad of about twenty guards, and to my surprise, the captain of the guard was with them.

"Captain, I am very appreciative of your cooperation." I thanked, approaching the grey haired man with a smile.

"Of course, I am at your service Lady Sylvester, you have my full support. However, I am unsure of how the citizens will react to the closing of the port." He said, unable to hide the concern in his voice. It was obvious that my requests were making him uncomfortable, which was probably  why he had come to great me personally.

"I know that it is a large request, but it is vital to the safety of our fief and our kingdom. We have reason to believe that an extremely contagious and deadly illness has plagued one of the ships that arrived in our port this morning. If the virus were to leave the ship, then it would be nearly impossible to stop it from spreading." I explained, doing my best to stand tall while surrounded by people twice my size. The guards started to murmur to each other, apprehension weighing on their hushed voices. I took a breath and continued.

"As long as you men do your job to protect the people and this port, I will do my part in eradicating this illness. Captain, is it okay if I take over command of your squad for the time being?"

The Captain looked at me a bit perplexed, but the shock in his eyes faded and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Lady Callista, I came here concerned that we would be facing a disastrous situation that would be out of our control. However, your confidence and initiative has eased many of my worries. I would be honored to lend you my support." He said, giving me a gentle smile that reminded me of a kind old grandpa.

After expressing my thanks to the captain, I asked for a minute to think so that I could figure out how to divide and utilize the men I had been given command over.

"Serge, are you sure that you are the only one who has left the ship?" I asked.

"Yes, Lady Callista, I am positive." He responded. His tone with me was no longer skeptical, in fact, he was treating me similar to how a knight would treat a commanding officer. My lips pursed as I studied him. He was tall with a muscular build that would leave me drooling if it weren't for the situation I was in. When I first saw Serge, he was extremely panicked, but now that he had calmed down, his expression had turned into one of a soldier going to war. This man was not just a hired guard on a merchant ship, there was something he was hiding.

"Who is in charge of this squadron?" I asked, turning to the group of men waiting expectantly. Some of them looked confused and others doubtful. It wasn't surprising since they were being forced to follow the orders of a thirteen year old girl.

"That would be me Lady Callista." A young man said, stepping forward. The commander looked to be in his early twenties. He had brown eyes and sandy hair with freckles riddling his face. At least I wasn't the only one here who looked incompetent.

"Good, I will be putting my trust in you from now on." I said, and then began to explain my plan.

There were twenty guards in total, and I needed at least ten to enforce the shut down of the port. That left me with six to gather supplies, three to find any willing doctors, and one to board the ship with me... if they were willing. I did have command over these guards, but I was not going to force anyone to risk their life.

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