Chapter Forty: Bullshit

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"Nicholas Lytton," I began, crossing my arms as I locked eyes with the snake. The two of us had moved to a quieter space behind one of the gazebos, but we were still within eyesight of the party's guests. I had read enough true crime novels to know that I should not let myself be alone with snakes like him. 

"Yes, Callista Sylvester," He replied, his lips forming a flirtatious smile. While many people may have been drawn to his dimpled grin, I couldn't help but notice his eyes. They were cold and calculating. This guy was up to no good; I won't let him play me for a fool. 

"I am not one to mince my words Nicholas Lytton, so I will be frank. Stop dragging me into your lover's spat with Lady Valerie, it has become a nuisance." I said, bringing up my right hand to pinch the bridge of my nose. This snake like brat was giving me a headache. 

"Lady Callista, you misunderstand me. My approaching you has nothing to do with Lady Valerie, haven't you noticed yet? I am trying to court you-"


For a brief moment, Nicholas Lytton's eyes widened at my words before he quickly regained his composure. He licked his lips nervously and opened his mouth to speak.  

"Somehow you become more and more interesting every time I see you Lady Callista. No wonder I have fallen-"


I'm wasn't sure what this guy was thinking, but did he really believe that I would fall for his crap, was my image really that bad? If this guy liked me, then he wouldn't make things difficult by calling me out and causing scenes when I was in front of him. 

"Lady Callista, I don't understand-"

"What?" I asked, cutting him off for a third time. A flash of anger appeared in his eyes, as he clenched his jaw, struggling to force a smile. 

"Did you really think I would be swayed by a few pretty words, it's obvious that you want something from me, so just spit it out."

Nicholas stood still, the smile falling from his lips. His eyes narrowed and he leaned towards me, stopping once his face was only inches away from mine. While I was tempted to take a step back, I did not want to show any weakness; I would prove to this snake that I was not as easy as he thought I was. 

"So," I continued, my eyes locking with his. 

"Are you going to tell me?"

The sandy haired noble leaned back a little before letting out a bone chilling laugh. Was this guy about to go psycho, I had left my swords in the carriage so it would be hard to defend myself without using life mana... he was a pretty good fighter when I saw him in the tournament, but it was unlikely that he would try to attack me in front of all these people... I hope...

"To think that such a pathetic girl could act so cocky." He sneered, his voice low so that no one could hear. 

"Do you really think that the rumors will disappear so easily? A few fancy dance moves won't prove anything, are you trying to seduce the people now? Though, I can't say that you aren't alluring." He grinned, reaching towards my face. I dodged his hand, stepping to the side without breaking eye contact. While I wanted to beat the shit out of this guy, he seemed to know something about the rumors. Maybe I could find out who was targeting me through him. 

"So, even if my reputation is bad, what does it have to do with you?" I asked. 

"Surely Lady Valerie is a much better candidate if you consider her social status." 

"Oh her," Nicholas sneered, his tone a bit disinterested. 

"That girl is an eyesore, she may be a Ludovic, but she can't even use dark magic. I only keep her around because her position is helpful." 

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