Chapter Thirteen: The King's Request

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The Royal family had moved to one of the many lounges in our mansion so that we could speak privately. It wasn't until I saw the number of guards that I realized just how big of a deal it was to have these people in our house. The King and Queen sat in tall chairs positioned beside each other as if they were trying to mimic the throne room. I couldn't help but compare them to kids trying to put on a play for their parents. The Prince stood next to the Queen on one side, while General Alexander stood by the King on the opposite. Even Ryland was in attendance, positioned on the wall closest to the Royal family.

"Congratulations on your official debut into society." The Queen said once I had given the family my proper greetings.

"We are delighted to have such a wonderful young lady as our son's fiancé."

"Thank you your highness, I am honored."

A small pause filled the room as I waited for the King to speak. He looked relatively young for a forty-three year old man, with only a touch of grey appearing along his hairline. His emerald green eyes matched those of both his son and his brother, though wariness was much more evident in his eyes compared to the other two.

During our conversations Prince Philip disclosed to me that his father had been gaining little rest over the past few months due to his busy schedule. His lack of sleep could probably be blamed on the civil war devastating the country of Cynth. Though it was a small country, many of our allied kingdoms had involved themselves in the conflict, both on different sides. Recently, I had over heard that the court had been split in their attempts to pressure the King into choosing a side. That's probably why Prince Louis was permitted to stay in our country for my debut ball. It was a good opportunity for Sarchia to form political ties with the nobles who also supported the current Queen of Cynth.

"Lady Callista," The King began, snapping me back to attention. I noticed that most of the guards had left the room, leaving only Ryland and his father, the captain of the guard.

"I will get straight to the point. I would like you to further your ability to control and use life magic."

"Your highness, I apologize for my bluntness, but it is much too dangerous to request such a thing of my child." My father protested, his fists clenched.

"He's right father, she almost died the last time she used it in order to save Prince Louis. I can't help but disagree with you, for the sake of my fiancé's safety." Prince Philip agreed.

I stood silently. This was never mentioned in the otome game, and I had never even considered the fact that the King would request this of me.

"I am aware of your concerns, trust me I have put much thought into this over the past few days. However, there is currently much unrest in the nations surrounding us, and I believe that your daughters ability could be of use." The King explained calmly.

"Are you suggesting that you want my thirteen-year old daughter to train in combat magic? I am sorry your highness, but I cannot understand where this is coming from." My father said, his eyes shaking.

"Edwin, I am aware that you hold your daughter very dear, but you of all people should understand the danger we are currently facing. Of course, the knowledge of her training will be made known only to the people in this room, along with your family and her instructor."

What danger were we facing? Did this have anything to do with Cynth?

"Your highness, I understand where you are coming from, but as my child's father, I cannot get behind this request."

"I'll do it." I said.

"Callista?" Both my father and Prince Philip exclaimed. Though it didn't take long for me to weigh the consequences, it wasn't a rash decision. This would not only benefit me, but also my family. My fire magic was weak, so if anything went wrong and I was exiled like in the otome game, then there would be no reason for the kingdom to hold on to me. However, if I proved a valuable asset, my chances of getting exiled would decrease. If anything my reasons were selfish, but to me it was worth the risk.

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