Chapter Five: Attitude Change

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I woke up in an immense amount of pain.

"Fucking shit that hurt like a bitch, damn-"


My string of curses were cut off by my mother. She sat at my bedside, her hair slightly disheveled and eyes red.

"S-sorry about my language, I guess I'm a bit delusional from the pain-"

"Thank goodness you are okay," My mother sighed, gently holding my hand in hers. I looked at her surprised, wondering why she wasn't scolding me. Hadn't I just broken like 600 rules? I even jeopardized the crown prince's safety. I was sure that my family would never let me out of the house again.

"I'm not in trouble?" I asked, staring at the hand my mother was holding. Though my mother had never neglected her children, I'd never seen her this concerned for me.

My mother laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"No Callista, you have done well for staying-"

Before I could respond the door burst open, revealing Prince Philip. He was still in his night attire, his hair sticking up in all directions. Had he been asleep?

"The maids told me she had woken up, is she okay?" He asked, concern and guilt etched into his already tired expression. Since the prince was here, it was safe to assume that I was still in the castle. However, I probably could have figured that out by simply glancing around the giant bed room. Though I thought our house was pretty extravagant, it didn't hold a candle to the gold rimmed furniture and expensive paintings that hung on the walls.

"Her fever has disappeared, the doctor says that her health will return soon." My mother reassured the prince with a smile. Did I have a fever? I mean, I knew that the wound was kinda bad, but was it really something they should have been so concerned over?

"How long was I out?" I asked, looking between my mother and Prince Philip.

"It's been three days, you were running a high fever" My mother said, squeezing my hand. I guess that it made sense for wounds like this to be so dangerous here, without proper knowledge and resources to disinfect the wound, there could be many complications.

"How do you feel?" The Prince asked, approaching my bed.

"I'm okay. Seeing you with chicken hair and regal pajamas has definitely helped." I said with a smirk. Prince Philip was being too nice and I didn't like it. It was weird.

"W-what, how could you say that to the crown prince?" Philip stuttered his face as red as my hair.

"I apologize your highness, I am still recovering from my fever, please disregard everything I say.... chicken head."

"Ch-chiken head? Well at least my hair doesn't look like a lion's mane has caught fire." He spat back. I wasn't sure if he was trying to insult me or not because in my opinion a flaming lion's mane was pretty bad ass.

"Thank you for the compliment your highness."

Before he could retort, the door opened once again and a beautiful woman with long golden hair that matched Prince Philip's walked in. It was the Queen.

"It seems that you two are getting along well." She chuckled, ruffling Prince Philip's hair. He looked down with a small pout, his ears red.

"My Queen," My mother bowed. I attempted to sit up, but the Queen lightly put her hand on my uninjured shoulder so that I would stay down.

"Do not worry about formalities my dear for we are in you debt." The Queen smiled. In her debt? Wasn't I the one who had put the prince in danger, why was she indebted to me?

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