Chapter Sixteen: Stress

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"Uhm, Lady Callista?"


"Yes, Miss Elaine."

"Why did you want to sit with me?"


Elaine and I sat next to each other towards the back of the auditorium (though it looked more like an opera theatre with the ceiling decor and chandeliers).

"Well, the thing is... I uhm, I liked your hair." I said, immediately accepting the fact that my lie was terrible and Elaine was going to see right through it-

"Oh, thank you Lady Callista. Your hair is beautiful as well, like a garden of roses." Elaine blushed, looking down.


"Ahaha, thank you." I laughed, praising the game's creator for making such a dense heroine. Elaine looked down at her hands, a small smile spreading across her lips.



"HAHA Nothing!"

This was bad, wasn't I supposed to hate the heroine? I mean, I thought that something would peeve me about her other than the fact that Prince Philip liked her. Damn that otome game Callista was shallow, hating a girl so easily... Still, getting close to her was dangerous.

Luckily, I was saved from making any more mistakes when a familiar face appeared on stage. Charles, as the student with the highest grades, served as the Academy's representative which was an impressive feat for a second year. As he made his way to the podium, cheers sounded throughout the crowd. It wasn't just the girls, but there were many guys that liked him too. I wasn't surprised since Charles was blessed (or cursed) with inhumane looks, and somehow, he had managed to get even more attractive over the years. His long silver hair was tied into a low ponytail that fell over his broad shoulders, which contrasted greatly with his pale skin and delicate features. In all my time in both this life and my past life, I had yet to meet someone as beautiful as Charles.

Charles gave a short welcoming speech, and after, the headmaster took the podium to introduce the faculty and staff. The headmaster was an older man who kind of reminded me of a certain wizard in a very famous series about a magic school in my past life. What was his name again... fumblelore... gandawrf.... My failed attempts at remembering the book characters were interrupted by a very familiar name.

"This year we will be joined by Connor Walters and Lily Walters who will work at the school's clinics. They will both also hold the positions of interim professors if their areas of specialties are being covered in class." He introduced.

Lily waved excitedly to the students, while Connor looked like he was doing his best not to fall asleep. I had a feeling that teaching at the academy was not his idea. This had to be the work of the King.

After the introduction ceremony ended, I shot from my seat and bolted out the door before Elaine could ask me any questions. While I did feel bad, I had to keep in mind that my safety was at risk when I was around her.


As I made my way back to the dorms, I couldn't help but sigh. Not even a whole day had passed, and my time at the Academy was already causing stress headaches. I channeled some heat into my hand and placed it on my head, hoping to relieve some of the tension.

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