(Not So) Secret Admiration

Start from the beginning

"Stand back," Sofia said, moving everybody back a few steps.

Shane concentrated his energy as ribbons of air flew from his hands into the middle of the field and formed a raging wind tunnel that inched towards the metallic figure of Diabolos before blowing it to pieces.

"Oh, man, that was awesome," Dustin cheered as Shane walked back to them.

"I'm glad you think that Dustin... 'cause it's your turn," Cam called.

"Right," Dustin muttered, stepping forward. "So, what's my job?"

"Use your earth powers to destroy that boulder," Cam informed.

"The boulder! But, dude, it's like 500 pounds," Dustin complained.

"Just do it," Cam snapped.

"Alright," Dustin sighed. He inhaled a deep breath and lifted his arms as bands of dirt twirled around his arms. He condensed the earth energy into the middle where a shockwave emitted from the mass of earth energy and shattered the boulder into thousands of pebbles. "Whoa! That was...cool!"

The red and yellow rangers shared a special handshake.

"You were saying?" Tori asked. Blake snickered.

"Yeah, haha," Dustin laughed sarcastically.

"Okay, Tor... you're up," Cam said.

Without a word, Tori stepped up and Blake fell silent, watching her every movement.

"Okay, Tori. Use your water power to put out these flames," Cam ordered, using a torch to light a dead log on fire.

"This should be simple," Tori muttered. She waved her hands and formed the water into an orb before launching a stream of water at the log, extinguishing it within seconds.

Blake began clapping and cheering loudly, drawing the rangers' attention to him. Sofia looked up at Hunter and he nodded. "Nice job, Tor..." Blake complimented.

"Thanks, Blake," Tori answered as she walked back.

"Blake. Hunter. Your turn," Cam told them. The Thunder Brothers stepped forward.

"What do you want us to do?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, or are we just gonna stand here?" Blake added.

"Give me a minute, would you?" Cam grumbled. "Use your twin thunder abilities to create a thunderstorm."

"Right," the brothers voiced. "Sky of wonder, power of thunder."

Tori watched as Blake lifted his navy-clad hand to the sky.

"Tor... you're staring again," Sofia mentioned. "Is he really that interesting to you? I thought you were just friends."

"I...may want to...kinda go beyond 'just friends'," Tori confessed. "Don't tell him! I want to talk to him first."

"Okay, but Hunter has got to know that you want to date his baby brother," Sofia negotiated.

"Fine, but only Hunter can know. Nobody else," Tori agreed sternly.

"Deal," Sofia sighed.

The sky darkened as the rain began to fall and crimson and navy lightning sparked from their wielders' hands as they magnified the storm with their ninja powers.

"Excellent," Cam said. "Soph, now you."

"Okay," Sofia uttered, stepping up as Hunter and Blake walked back. "What's my job?"

"Use your ninja snow powers to turn these raindrops into snowflakes," Cam replied.

"That's it? Wow," Sofia exclaimed. She did a quick stretch and readied herself. Sofia summoned ribbons of snow and ice and thrust it to the dark sky, brightening it and turning the raindrops to snowflakes. "There we go."

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