27] I didn't want to!

Start bij het begin

Amy:- Taehyung, please let me go. I need to sleep.

Taehyung:- Ugh, it was such a long day Amy. If I don't get to cuddle with you, this day is going to be the worst. Let's go to sleep together, please?

I can't. I need to clear things. I can't stay close to him if I have doubts regarding him in my head. There were reasons I never liked popular people in high school. They were never alone, they would never truly be yours.

Amy:- No... I mean... I'm already tired, I should get going.

Taehyung:- Sleep then. But, besides me.

"Having fun with your ex"

These words were making me crazy but I didn't want to bring it up, at least not tonight.

I freed myself from him trying to walk away.

Amy:- I want to sleep alone. I'll meet you tomorrow.

Taehyung:- Amy... This is not you... Wait... What's wrong?

Amy:- Nothing... I am just tired.

Taehyung:- What's wrong? Tell me! Spill it...

I didn't want to.
Amy don't.
Amy don't.
Amy no.

Amy:- Who's LeeYoMi?

I could see a confused look on his face.

Taehyung:- LeeYoMi? Elliot's assistant?

Amy:- Not yours, right! Why did you take her with you then?

Taehyung:- Um... Because Elliot told me that if I needed help, she'd be there.

Amy:- Why don't you have your own assistant Taehyung? People said you didn't need anyone because you did everything by yourself and now, you take her with you?

Taehyung:- Wait... Wait... Wait... What is it? Amy... What are you talking about?

Amy:- She's your ex. You didn't tell me. You go out with her the whole day. Don't call me the entire time since you're with her and then... Come back and.. behave as if there's nothing wrong. What do you expect Taehyung?

Taehyung:- Hey.. no...

Amy:- You know what, let me finish. I was working on her computer and you know what I found...
A friend of her texted on her Facebook messenger, "Having fun with your ex"...
What am I supposed to think Taehyung? Why didn't you tell me she's your ex-girlfriend! I mean yeah, you were popular and you had a lot of girls in high school and she was your batch mate and now, she's still with you. How cute isn't it!

Taehyung:- First of all, she isn't my ex and secondly, are you jealous?

Amy:- What? You think I'm jealous!  You know what, I guess that's the reason you didn't want our relationship to be known to people because... She was there right?
Maybe that's what made you uncomfortable? Or maybe because I'm just an intern and you... You're the chairman now and... It would be bad for your image, is that the reason you didn't let people know that I'm your girlfriend? Forget about this, you never even called me your girlfriend.

He was blankly staring at me as if he doesn't know anything.

Amy:- Let's get going, I didn't want to get this out today but it was eating me up. I don't want anything to go wrong tomorrow.

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